Ever notice that no one ever talks about if it sounds like real music. These threads go on and on about null points, these tone arms, blows the other stuff away, distortion, black background, holographic, sound stage, crisp high, tight bass, etc etc etc..
You have people who talk in absolutes without even listening to the product. OK I have endured the nonsense that digital is neutral, null points make a huge difference, SUT's are crap, and now you can not make a great tube phono stage.
Now I am not hear to tell you what you like. For me is it simple, I want it to sound like real music. When is the last time you went to a concert, club, etc and listened for a black background, soundstage, or tight bass. When have you heard when the needle hits the 2 null points. If holographic is your thing some Maggie's might be in the picture.
Sorry to disrupt the status quo of this forum. Will shut up now, and go listen to my shitty dht tube gear, and my 14 inch oil dampen wood, UNIPIVOT tonearm.
You have people who talk in absolutes without even listening to the product. OK I have endured the nonsense that digital is neutral, null points make a huge difference, SUT's are crap, and now you can not make a great tube phono stage.
Now I am not hear to tell you what you like. For me is it simple, I want it to sound like real music. When is the last time you went to a concert, club, etc and listened for a black background, soundstage, or tight bass. When have you heard when the needle hits the 2 null points. If holographic is your thing some Maggie's might be in the picture.
Sorry to disrupt the status quo of this forum. Will shut up now, and go listen to my shitty dht tube gear, and my 14 inch oil dampen wood, UNIPIVOT tonearm.