Phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC?

A rookie needs some help please...
Would you buy a phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC? Which one? Why? It's an Ikeda 9TT (2ohm, 0.2mV) with a VPI Classic, and Dynaudio BM5 MKiii monitors with volume box.
I have found the following options in the past few days. Phono:
Gold Note PH-10 (0.1mV)
Gold Note PH-1 (0.15mV)
Gold Note PH-7 (0.15mV)
EAR 834p (0.22mV)
Nighthawk F117 (???mV)
Which one would you choose?
I am leaning towards the PH10, but honestly I dont need all those settings, but if IT sounds superior than the other then I would go for it. The Nighthawk sounds really good also for the price but I couldn't find the specifications and I am not sure if it's good as any of the Gold Notes. Used EAR 834p can be an option also but I read really mixed opinions about it. 
Now what I have now is a Musical Fidelity MX VYNL (0.4mV if its balanced), now I am running unbalanced. It's biggest advantage is I could run it full balanced all the way from the tonearm to the monitors and maybe some factory upgrade is possible, regarding to the website in the gain and plus a PSU.

Or step up?
It must be Max 1000pounds used.

Thank you all :)
I am conserned about the balanced connectors because I had a chance to try it with balanced cables and it was almost silent.
I think the noise in my system is not just because the phono....
But I have a desire to buy a better one with a balanced outs. I would go for the JLTi if it would have it.

Dear @korakotta: First than all your cartridge ask for tghe best you can get, its needs must be fulfilled by your system if you want to listen first rate quality level performance and all those means no SUT in between the cartridge signal when you have a vbery good alternative for a high gain active SS phono stage where the cartridge signal does not has to pass through additional IC cables from the SUT to the phono stage that makes a degradation to that beloved cartridge signal, trhough those additional cables the signal must has to pass through solder joints that makes a degradation too additional to those the cartridge signal must has to pass through additional male/female connectors that just follows degrading the signal.

If that were not enough about that severe accumulated cartridge signal degradation all SUTs comes with a limited frequency response at both frequency extremes and are not exactly " silent " and those transformers makes a degradation too !!!

If that is what you want it then why you own that cartridge? makes no sense.

In the other side if it's true that the LOMC cartridges are balanced by it self for you really can have an advantage with balanced configuration your electronics must be fully differential and not only with and additional inversor stage as is common.

I really don't care the road you take, the ball is in your field and mine is only an opinion as the other opinions here.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

it’s up to you, but very well shielded unbalanced phono cables (if they are under 1.5 meters) does not produce any noice. But if the cartridge has extremely low output and the phono is not top-notch you can hear some hum. For example check stereophile review for Ortofon MC2000 (0.05mV) paired with dedicated Ortofon T-2000 SUT. Reviewer stated that the MC-2000 is the best-sounding moving-coil cartridge he has ever heard (even with alittle bit of hum)!

I think if you go balanced you need all balanced cables in your system: tonearm to phono to amp to spekaers. It’s just too compliacated.

@rauliruegas Thank you for confirming my opinion about SUTs...
Less is more in this case.
I think my active monitors benefit from the balanced connects. I tried it with a whole different config also and it was just better. 
Wouldn`t make sense to upgrade the vpi classic with the xlr junction box and run it balanced from the tonearm to the monitors? That is a future plan if it makes sense, then I need a phono with balanced ins and outs.
If not, then I need only balanced outs.
What do you think?  
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