Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)

AudioFacts frequently tests new products. Because for us this remains one of the most beautiful parts of our beloved profession. Our drive for perfection keeps us sharp because we're always looking for new products for our customers. During all our testing over the past nearly 20 years we rarely discover a product which surpasses all our expectations.

Thanks to Tru-Fi we can understand all the properties and talents of Audioquest cables optimally so we can use them all. It makes the impact of a power cable so much greater. The way we use a powercable, it becomes just as important as a component.

The Hurricane immediately shows that it lives up to its name. From the first moment on you realize that you are listening to something really special. This cable overwhelms you with its utmost precision and speed. The music you know well directly sounds 2 levels higher from the beginning.

Constantly there is that surprise during listening and the big smile on your face.

In timing and speed the Hurricane made a huge step compared to the Audioquest NRG-1000 and also other more expensive power cables. Each attack is so much faster (and shorter). All your music is being played with significantly more grip and AUTHORITY. We never encountered this degree in ease and additional control (due to a powercable) in this price range before.

You can even observe more diversity (layering) in sound. Diversity in sound is the most determining factor that influences the human emotion. Voices turn out to have more layers than we thought. Instruments gain a more natural and realistic sound. And voices become silky and more fluid than ever before.

The degree of 3-dimensionality of the sound image becomes larger. Since 2009 AudioFacts creates and sells only a 3-dimensional sound stage. Because humans also experience and perceive sound in a 3D spectrum. Thanks to the increase in resolution the stage becomes deeper and wider. Making voices and instruments more apparent and free from each other. So you can even walk through the recording during listening.

Voices and instruments are even more compact and therefore more intimate. The physical tangibility of both voices as instruments are even more authentic. In reality both voices as instruments are played very directly and displayed in small proportion.

Thanks to a lower noise floor the Hurricane creates an even better black level. This is the space between the voices and instruments of a recording. When the sound becomes more tangible and more voices and instruments get a stature (shape), we speak of a higher black level.

What also impressed us with the Hurricane is the huge increase in resolution (details) which can now be perceived. The space in which the recording is made is now very easily observable. Also the articulation of voices becomes more clearly audible. Even the decay around voices and instruments becomes clearly observable.

Regarding to the frequency range you immediately hear that the response of both the Monitor Audio Pl-500 as the Platinum subwoofer goes even deeper than before. You feel the increase in power and energy of the low frequencies. When the low frequency range of an audio system increases, often the degree of emotion becomes larger. In addition you can even hear an increase of information and layers in the middle and high frequencies.

Thanks to our research and developedment of Statement Audio Pro-measurement, differences in height of voices and instruments become more clear to observe. This allows you to better perceive the harmony of voices and instruments together. It makes the music more emotional and intense. The Hurricane creates an even higher degree in diversity of the height of voices and instruments.

It is more than clear that Audioquest have made a big step with the Hurricane power cable. At the price of 1599 euro (for 1 meter) we have never auditioned a power cable of this unique and high quality.

The impact and influence of the Hurricane in an audio system is rather big and decisive. And it makes clear more than ever that power cables should be an essential component in any audio system. The price of 1599 euro (for 1 meter) is more than justified by the large step in quality gained.


Hurrah!  Bo is back.

Munching on a snack of Tru-Food© to sustain me through this latest installment.

I am always here just for a short period of time. When I read the comments on the threads it proofs people are still focusing on products and brands.

And they all think it is still 1980, it always makes me smile and amazed how limited the level is of most people about audio. It is so funny they all do audio at the level of a child and they even have no idea how limited it is.

In 2017 I started to ask many people who also work in audio for a long time how they make their decisions. It became clear when I spoke tenths of them that they all do it the same way.

They all agreed that it is gambling what they do. So this means that their clienst own trial and error gambling systems. This is a fact and has nothing to do with a personal taste.

Even when I aks them; tell me what is your personal taste and tell me where is it founded at. The also work in audio like me for a very long time and could not really give a clear answer. And it looked like they never really thought about this question.

Beside asking the same questions to people who work in audio I aksed the same questions to people who work for manufacturers. And they even agreed that there is no real foundation and it is founded on just trial and error and just go with the flow.

You only can create knowledge when you understand how sound works. And how the human emotion works regarding music. Even when I asked them; tell me what are the properties of sound? They had no idea.

Tell me how does the human emotion works regarding music, they all had no idea to be honest. I even asked people for manufacturers tell me about your product what are the properties they can reveal?

The only thing they said; it is musical and wel controlled. So I aksed them; tell we what do you mean with musical? They started to hesitate and could not find the right words.

It all proofs that people are standing on extremely thin ice about their knowledge and inside regarding audio and sound. After our discussion they became aware how limited their knowledge is and that it lacks any kind of foundation.

I am not here to provoke them and to explain how limited they are. No they need to understand that if you are in this business you need to create knowledge and insight. This means put a lot of effort in testing and reading about sound and the human emotion.

Many people who work in audio think that information about products told by manufacturers and distributers is knowledge, but it is not.

It is only an assumption made by a person. And many of these assumptions are not even true. And easily can be overulled by sound and facts.

This again proofs how thin the ice is where they all are walking at. It is very easy to explain to them that it is only gambling and guessing that it will be a good choice.

Audio does not work like that, based on the fact that it only can be understood and guided when you understand how sound works. This is not a personal thing, nooooooo we are talking all about facts.

People never like to hear the truth and if things are totally different they will try to attack you. Attack with what? Just tell me your foundation and maybe you can make a good point.

But when it is all founded on gambling it is worth nothing, just zero. You need to learn to look further. And when you are not able to hear the truth what do you want? You would like to hear the things what you would love to hear. Even if this is not the truth?

I can garantee you one thing for 100%, you will never own an audiosystem what will be used each single day. You will never own a system what makes you emotional and want you to listen to it over and over again.

It is up to you and when you cannot handle the truth, I am sorry for you but it is your own responsibility about all the choices you make! :)

And Her Doktor 2Psyops von Doppelganger was right, and so I did brace myself for the onslot... And the bombardment of True Truth has come... And it did make me cry... From merriment, that is *Grins!*

But Bo, you are correct... At 64, I am very much still a child, and listen to music with all the wonderment of when I was a six year old listening to my first solo violin performer at Nino's restaurant in the San Siro suburb of Milano, or banging on my toy xylophone with true gusto.



Does anyone (Bo, you as well) know what the current cost of the Audioquest Hurricane cable happens to be??
When audio would be done a lot more precise and honest many more people could have a great system. It has nothing to do with money.

All the research I did, it proofs that it can be created with prices many people can afford. But......we live in a world where it is all about money. People are only interested in making as much money as possible. They don’t care about your system.

We think they all see it wrong, when you would focus on the best quality you can create for all consumers it will make a difference. And we believe that emotion and Tru-Fi will make many people happy with music.

I started when I was six and got a Philips Tube taperecorder. I am addicted to music and I spend over 200 euros on new music each single month. I see it as my peronal goal to give as many as possible other people the same emotional feeling of music.

You only can experience the real emotion when your system can reveal all the details. layers and the real emotion of the music. This is where the focus in audio should be. And not about only creating money for yourself.

Maybe I am an idealist, but I could not do it differently. I work for all my clients and I see it as my task to create the best possible quality for the money they spend.