Speaker recomendation

I just bought a second home and the room where the new system will go is quite large (60’x20’) with a wall of windows.  I’m looking for a pair of speakers that will be more for listening in position close to the system but that can still move enough air for when we have lots of people over.  Budget is about $10-15K for an amp and speakers.  I have a Moon 340i but fear it doesn’t have enough power to move the speakers I’ll get.  I was thinking about Golden Ear reference but my wife and I are more classical and jazz listeners and these are better for rock?  Suggestions appreciated!
Bravo! I don't even know you, but I think I like you! Seriously, as you say, Dave and Troy often have interesting and informative contributions, but when it comes to Legacy and Paradigm Persona, it gets to be a little much sometimes.  
If an OP mentions anything like this:

Budget is about $10-15K for an amp and speakers.
...AudioTroy invariably comes running to interject with his unparalled wisdom.
I hope we have not lost the OP, but.......if he is still reading this, my questions would be what does he use in his 1st home ( his bio indicates he has / had Gershman Acoustics AGs ) ? He knows something about sounds and music listening, and is probably asking due to the layout and acoustics of this new listening space. So, to the OP. Can you speak about the system in your 1st home and how you use it / enjoy it ? As far as dealers are concerned, Audiogon allows it, so lets all live nicely together. We really are a passionate bunch here on the "Gon. 
Personally I don't care much for Klipsch but the Klipschhorns would sound great and the amp you have would probably drive it fine, just make sure you put them in the corners. I can recommend the speakers that I use, but I hate it when people do that. Btw listen to the dynaudio contour 60 b4 you buy if you can.
Hemlotech, we are very well qualified to talk about speakers in this price range we display Dali Epicon at $14-20k, the Legacy Focus and Aeris, the Paradigm Persona, ATC, Quad, Cabasse, Rethem, Elac,Kef Reference and Blades. 

In the past we have sold, many other brands of loudspeakers.

We talk lot about Legacy because few people have heard them, and they offer incredible value for the money. 

How many speakers that are affordable and offer all of these advantages:

1: Managable size
2: High power handling
3: High SPL
4: High efficiency 92db
5: Prodigious bass 18hz
6: Works with tubes and solid state
7: Attractive cabinetry with custom finishes.
8: Optional bass amp
9: Optional Dac/Room Correction processor/and active crossover.
10: Very clean top end and midrange with German made Heil AMT drivers
11: Very clean custom silk/graphite midrange driver
12: Big soundstage and a liquid midrange.
13: Affordable price to performance ratio: Focus Signatures $7k, larger Focus $11-13k. 

The tonal balance and deep bass and musical performance means that the speaker is very listenable and well suited to many people's tastes.

We know of only the Golden Ear Reference and the Tekton's offer some of these advantages which is one of the reasons that we love the line. 

Are they for everyone? No they are not but then again, what product is? 

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ