DAve/Troy, I am not going into your sales pitch in this thread. I have way too much respect for Matt and everyone has learned over your posts in other threads, that you are always correct adn your gear is best regardless of cost, until some of us go and audition it in your home/store. We will leave it at that out of respect for Matt.
by Matt:
There are are some great points made recently:
1) a well done $10k system can sound better then a poorly done $100k system.
2) gear is system dependent and matching is everything!
3) declare the signature of your system with a primary component like speakers, amp or pre-amp and then adjust flavor with all other components.
4) your gear may sound awesome in your system and not so great in someone else’s.
5) your audition of a piece of equipment may have been suboptimal due to poor implementation of the unit.
All great stuff!!!
Yes, this is a long thread and to me, the best I've personally read on the forums. As has been discussed so many times on in this thread, it's totally about not just implementation , but all the other digital variables that everyone will have in their own room. Some of the isolation devices/set ups work GREAT and help tremendously. Only a few makers of gear have implemented any of these in their devices as most don't even offer ethernet connection for the source. Ayre has an optical isolation device right in front of their ethernet input daughter board. It's a very expensive say to implement ethernet, but it sounds great.
Steve, have you ever heard of this or tried this on your devices? I ask you, only because I know you and how much R&D you personally do.
This is ONLY for manufacturer's in this thread if I may ask. For those of you who even have an ethernet connection, do you also do optical isolation? I have a strong feeling that eventually we are going to see many DAC's use this connection option and many servers will eventually output this way. Most folks will never want to set their own device up, and it seems to the lay person a great way to get rid of some of the nasties in this type of connection. Thanks. so much. Hope I haven't ruffled any feathers as that's the last thing I want to do. Thanks.