Yanni or Laurel?

Is this why some reviewers/audiophiles hear differences others can't?


I only hear Laurel and my wife only hears Yanni.  
Who cares really?  I sang along to the Def Leopard Hysteria album for 20 years before finally using Google to figure out what the real lyrics were.
A wild light.. oh the story clowned. Such a lust for lice. The circus comes through town. We had a hungry word. On a lightning ray. Just like a river runs like a frog meets flame.... That's what I heard.. And I heard Laurel.
Haha, your right gavinja70.  Bruce Springsteen Blinded by the Light:  for years I thought it was “revved up like a dousch”, (sorry) when its “revved up like a deuce”
I don't hear either. All I hear is "kill them, kill them all." But then again, I hear that all the time.