Speaker recomendation

I just bought a second home and the room where the new system will go is quite large (60’x20’) with a wall of windows.  I’m looking for a pair of speakers that will be more for listening in position close to the system but that can still move enough air for when we have lots of people over.  Budget is about $10-15K for an amp and speakers.  I have a Moon 340i but fear it doesn’t have enough power to move the speakers I’ll get.  I was thinking about Golden Ear reference but my wife and I are more classical and jazz listeners and these are better for rock?  Suggestions appreciated!
@hifiman5 ...big +1....what was that funny and  famous Mark Twain quote?  I know, “ never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience “......
thank you all for the detailed responses.  i wasn't receiving updates via email and didn't realize there was this much detail in this thread that I started.  I APOLOGIZE!  @Aalenik I'm listening to the AZC's this weekend!  @shadorne in terms of the type of speaker, I'm much more interested in quality sound than aesthetics.  A traditional box that sounds great without all the "luxury" fit and finish appeals to me much more.  I have a wife, but it so happens she is also looking for great sound more than outward looking appeal.  
@audiotroy what a great idea, never thought of using a separate poweramp with the integrated!
@tomic601 I've listened to Dynaudio Contour's and Spendor D9's recently and liked them both a lot for different reasons but feel they are very over-priced for what they are, to the tune of $5K over-priced.  I'm hot to audition some Vandersteen's, mostly the 3's.  I'm starting to realize that what I should be going for is really good sound at around 12' from where the speakers will be, and not worry as much about filling the room which would compromise everything. I will certainly look into conditioning the room (drapes, dampening, etc.) but the first is getting a suitable system.  @audiotroy what has happened here is unfortunate.  You seemed to have caused a flame throw festival when many just wanted to be helpful.  I see you are a Gershman dealer and I personally like my AvantGarde's a lot, so I'll assume you try to sell value-based products whenever possible.  I guess there is a fine line that is not to be crossed here, which stands to reason.  @shadorne as for my personal taste, what else would you like to know?  50% of my listening is definitely 50's jazz.  The rest is split between classic rock, brazilian, afro-cuban and classical.  For playback, I'll use a high quality DAC with some form of rasberry (I have the DigiOne Allo at home and love it) coupled with Roon.  I have vinyl in my apartment with a Rega deck but don't plan on having vinyl in this new system as this one needs to be focused on convenient playback and integrating my wife's collection and mine or else she will toss me on my ass.  
Thanks for response. I see you are a value buyer - good sound but not overly expensive. I would stick to US made speakers: Revel, Vandy or Thiel.