New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers

Hi All,I'm looking to upgrade my Bel Canto Ref 1000 MK2 monos and wonder what amps you think would match up with the T3's? The current amps OK but sometimes on the sharp sounding side for me. Any advice?Joe
Ag insider logo xs@2xdonpepe
Thanks guys,My budget is around 6K. My preamps are Ayre K-1xe with phono section and a Belles 21A which was just serviced and upgraded by David Belles. My CD player is a Cambridge audio Azur 851C. My TT is a Sota Nova with a Jelco 750 arm. Frankly you are shooting over my head, in discussing impedance. While I have a masters level education, I am in this regard technically ignorant. I have been in and out of this addiction a few times.  In the past I lived in NYC in the height of the Brick and mortar era and was able to visit my dealers and listen to equipment and decide by what sounded great to me. I now live in South Carolina and shops are scarce, so I come to you for assistance. In the past I've had and liked, Quad, ProAc, Vandersteen 5A and Monitor audio speakers. EAR 501Mk2 monos, Threshold and JC1 Mono amps, all good. Pre amps included Conrad Johnson, Audible Allusions and JC2, all were nice. VPI TNT and scout master were TT i liked. I am now retired and I suspect this may be my last system. Thank you for your assistance, I appreciate your courtesy and consideration.Joe
donpepe, you obviously have musically trained ears based on your ownership history and currently own a very respectable preamp. A matching Ayre amp(s) like an MX-R would be a no brainer and could definitely drive those speakers with no problem. Ayre doesn’t show the output impedance for your preamp but whatever other amplifier you select it would be good to make sure that the ratio between the amp input impedance and your Ayre preamp output impedance is greater than 20, as a general rule. Ayre amps pose no issues since their input impedance is astronomically high.
@donpepe I would make sure that whatever amp you choose have the ability to deliver lots of current. As another poster mentioned, the T3’s are close to 4 ohms during much of the frequency curve. When I went from the Class D to the BAT, the bass delivery and detail the T3’s produced changed dramatically for the better. It went from the NAD ’house sound’, (somewhat thin but detailed with good sound-stage) to a much more harmonically richer and detailed speaker.

There are couple of BAT VK-600’s for sale right now. That is the bigger brother of the AMP I have. At least one is the Batpack version with upgraded capacitors. That one is only $3600. That's priced well. The BAT doubles down in current to 4 ohms, and is not rated at 2. You could also look into a BAT VK-6200 2 channel. They probably go for under $3500. *edited*

The BAT signature is neutral warm, sublimely detailed with excellent current delivery.

Call Larry Diaz at Highend Palace. 786-388-8050
Larry worked with me for 3 months when I was looking for my AMP. He gets 5 stars.
Tell him Charles recommended you speak with him.

I have been using Herron Audio M-1 amps.  Very pleased with their performance.  My speakers run a minimum of around 3 ohms up to over 16 ohms.  I can find no audible signature or issues with the Herron amps.  They are very good bottom to top and easy to drive with just about any front-end equipment on the market with their high input impedance.  They fit your budget.  
 hi All,I'm considering the following Amps but haven't listened to any of them and some would exceed my budget. If you're familiar with them, I would appreciate your opinion.Thanks,joe