
I'm looking to build a home theater.Thinking of going with a projector for the screen size and money advantages.I know really nothing about them though.I would like something that can play dvd's,video games and the ocational tv show via sat. reciever when my wife is getting her hsn groove on.Is this possible to run these things through a projector?I don't want to spend a gr8 deal of money on the projector..3 to 8 hundred.Used or demo are fine.Any sugjestions would be gr8..thanks
Thanks much for your sugjestions.I have no windows in the ht room.Who makes the X1?I spose I could spend more.But it seems you get more for a thousand spent on a projector and a screen.
You can find $800 for Optoma H70 for 720p, Panasonic AE100 for similar - if you look - and similar in Sanyo PLV-Z4 on the market. Any of these would be superb, you'd have no complaints, stellar pic, and save bucks (you could even do the cheep, but satisfying looking "Poster Board" with black borders for a screen ($20-25 range). Hope this helps.
Personlly, I thought the Infocus X1 gave me head aches, had a slow color wheel (saw lots of rainbows), and rather low rez overall.
Thanks again for all the information.I'm learning alot from the projector central website.Should be makeing up my mind in the next couple days as wich 1 to buy.
I'd also like to try front projection without spending much money, and a starter setup like Firnlamb describes seems ideal, but I'm concerned that Geoffgarcia is right, and that a low cost setup will require watching in darkness. We now use a 14 watt super daylight florescent mounted on the wall behind the 40" LCD monitor for room illumination. That level of illumination is adequate for us, but I worry that it may be too much for low cost front projection.

My target would be something like a Sony VPL-60 with a 92" Stewart FireHawk SST screen, but that's at least a $5K setup.

I just installed the Panasonic PTAX100 recently, paid $600 with new bulb and I have no complaints, Projector and screen for $800 shipped..........a no brainer.