When audio would use parameters it would be a lot more easy to understand for everyone. But they keep it vague and do this on purpose. But we realized that the level in sound is limited even bij manufacturers and distributers.
They understand how I think and work. The listened to my system and had to admit that it is superior to any other system in a shop or what they ever auditoned in their life before.
The properties of sound are just facts and they exist. And they are as they are. This is even simple to explain and to understand.
Many people who also work in audio had to admit that their knowledge is not that high and involved. I had to accept that other people only can think and work at an inferior level than I do.
This looks easy, but it is for an extreme perfectionist difficult to see and understand that most people own a very low level in insight and knowledge. In 2013 I realized for the first time that other people in audio are inferior.
For me many things are very simple to see and understand, but now I understand that they all cannot go that far into details. The differences are so huge that it never will be a fair battle again.
I can outperfrom them all with ease. I told to a few manufacturers that I see them as children. Now they understand and do not feel offended anymore.
When you hear it yourself it is very easy to understand why i is superior to all the trial and error audio systems. When I saw the photos of Highend Munic 2018, I often have to laugh a lot.
I see photos and mannnn they show me all the mistakes they made. But I can garantee you that they don’t see the faults at all they made. They cannot think that deep into details.
2017 was my most successful year ever, but now I can create even faster a higher level in both sound&vision. Based on the fact that I can see a lot further and deeper.
Sound&Vision needs to become better all the time. This week we started with the new Oled C8 screens. We can create a level where the people of LG only can dream of. I see them as children as well.
We go so much further into details which they even can’t see and understand. It is my goal to show that we are the best in stereo, surround and vision in the world. That is why we do all the different areas at the same way.
And that is by properties and limiting all the negative influences on both sound&vision. This is my world and here I am the master and ruler. Not to proof that I am the best and take a look at me. Because that is worth nothing in my life.
I only can do it to help others to get a superior level in both sound&vision. My father showed me that life is all about helping others. But I will not give my knowledge and insight for free.
I can create and bring each individual system of each single person to a higher level he can create himself untill he dies. Based on the fact that I know exactly how huge the difference is in creating sound by Tru-Fi vs any trial and error systems on this planet.
My main goal in life is a foundation for those who have nothing. This is where I will use most of the money for. To create a better life for those who cannot change their lives is in my world the highest thing I can achieve.
They understand how I think and work. The listened to my system and had to admit that it is superior to any other system in a shop or what they ever auditoned in their life before.
The properties of sound are just facts and they exist. And they are as they are. This is even simple to explain and to understand.
Many people who also work in audio had to admit that their knowledge is not that high and involved. I had to accept that other people only can think and work at an inferior level than I do.
This looks easy, but it is for an extreme perfectionist difficult to see and understand that most people own a very low level in insight and knowledge. In 2013 I realized for the first time that other people in audio are inferior.
For me many things are very simple to see and understand, but now I understand that they all cannot go that far into details. The differences are so huge that it never will be a fair battle again.
I can outperfrom them all with ease. I told to a few manufacturers that I see them as children. Now they understand and do not feel offended anymore.
When you hear it yourself it is very easy to understand why i is superior to all the trial and error audio systems. When I saw the photos of Highend Munic 2018, I often have to laugh a lot.
I see photos and mannnn they show me all the mistakes they made. But I can garantee you that they don’t see the faults at all they made. They cannot think that deep into details.
2017 was my most successful year ever, but now I can create even faster a higher level in both sound&vision. Based on the fact that I can see a lot further and deeper.
Sound&Vision needs to become better all the time. This week we started with the new Oled C8 screens. We can create a level where the people of LG only can dream of. I see them as children as well.
We go so much further into details which they even can’t see and understand. It is my goal to show that we are the best in stereo, surround and vision in the world. That is why we do all the different areas at the same way.
And that is by properties and limiting all the negative influences on both sound&vision. This is my world and here I am the master and ruler. Not to proof that I am the best and take a look at me. Because that is worth nothing in my life.
I only can do it to help others to get a superior level in both sound&vision. My father showed me that life is all about helping others. But I will not give my knowledge and insight for free.
I can create and bring each individual system of each single person to a higher level he can create himself untill he dies. Based on the fact that I know exactly how huge the difference is in creating sound by Tru-Fi vs any trial and error systems on this planet.
My main goal in life is a foundation for those who have nothing. This is where I will use most of the money for. To create a better life for those who cannot change their lives is in my world the highest thing I can achieve.