Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned

Just curious about what other companies use this approach other than Vandersteen, Green Mountain, and Thiel.

I currently own Vandersteen 2c's, and I may consider trying out a different brand if somebody recommends it. However, I love the Vandersteen sound, and I'm guessing that they are tough to beat.
I just went to Vandy Treos from Proacs. Still love the Proacs but no other speaker I heard can match everything that Vandys do in their respective ranges. He keeps making a better and better sounding speaker. I've heard so many brands over the last couple of years and for MY ear, lol, the Vandys were the only one that made me feel the need to upgrade. So glad I did.
Eminent Technology's LFT-8b crosses over from it's 8" cone woofer to it's Magnetic-Planar midrange panel at 180 Hz, via a symmetrical first-order crossover. That panel hands off to the speaker's Magnetic-Planar tweeter strip at 10K, also first order.
Gallo Reference speakers all incorporate 1st order and crossoverless designs as well a time and phase coherency. They are among the least expensive and better sounding speakers that do so...

How true Rlwainright !
If I had any brains I would have just stopped with a pair of Gallo Micros's with one of their fine cylindrical subs.
I've always found that once you introduce a sub that isn't integrated into the speaker itself, it has continuity problems. I just have a blending problem with subs and that includes very expensive subs, but again that's just me. I got the Treo's since they went low enough for my room and integrate so well. Tons of great choices out there though.