Well...sorry for the delay, this has been a long time
coming. I mentioned earlier in this thread that I had purchased a set of
ANK Kit 03 speakers (Audionote AN E LX HE specifications) to replace my Tekton
DI's. Long story short, I ran into some equipment issues, some self-inflicted,
some not.
But the main system is up and running and I've been living with the ANE kit
speakers for only about 50 hours so far and they are everything I felt that the
DI's lacked in my system. They are blowing me away at every listen and
are absolutely addictive in their sound.
My equipment is as follows and was the same as I was using on the DI's:
Macbook Pro to Tidal/Audirvana to Chord 2Qute DAC to Linear Tube Audio MZ2 pre
amp to a Line Magnetic 508. (Upgraded
speaker cables and interconnects)
I never talked negatively about the DI's and I still won't. I just have
to believe the low frequencies weren't working out for me with my equipment and
listening room as others constantly rave about the low frequency
response. I also won't get into positioning, room treatments, cables etc
as I have had numerous speakers through the same room and with the same
equipment that have all sounded fantastic after proper positioning. I really enjoyed everything they did except
the low frequency response and the size/appearance of them.
The AN E's will appeal to a totally different crowd I'm sure. The DI's
lean more to the neutral side of things whereas the AN E's lean more on the
warmed up side. In saying this, they are not dull or veiled in any sense
but quite the opposite. They are very dynamic and musical but have loads of
detail and transparency. The Seas tweeters
do not lack any sparkle or sheen but are entirely non fatiguing. Not sure how they pulled this off as it would
seem contradictory in some speakers. It’s
a sound that needs to be experienced.
The bass depth and texture are staggering. These are not one note wonders and never over done or to the point of smearing the rest of the frequency ranges. But wow does it ever add excitement to any music. And my biggest complaint on the DI’s was on classic rock or compressed music. The low frequencies suffered. Not an issue with these. They work their magic on any genre or recording quality. They also seem to better maintain their sound stage at low volume levels than the DI’s. The bass foundation and soundstage cues are always there. I found myself constantly turning up the DI’s to get sufficient bass impact during quiet listening. Of course, YMMV and I am running tubes vs solid state.
It’s been said that anyone demo’ing these for just a song or two won’t be impressed. I can wholeheartedly agree with that. I’m not sure what changes in that first few hours with these speakers but I went from “huh these are a little dull” to “these are the most incredible things I’ve ever heard”. I feel like an a$$ even saying that but it’s true.
I know I’m only 50 or so hours in on the AN E’s but these will be staying. (Although I have spent time with factory built AN E’s) And all reports say the break in time is quite long on them. I’m now in the midst of running dedicated AC to my system as well as trying out my new power cords, receptacles and fuses. Can’t wait to hear what these speakers reveal.
I tried not to make this a “review” of these speakers but I think I failed. Although I did leave some things out. Sorry guys!