Don't folks ever get tired of complaining about the cost of high-end audio? I absolutely agree that some prices are extravagant, and that great sound can be had at a relative bargain by taking the time to audition gear and find components (and accessories) that provide great sound at a good price. This is NOT news... to anyone.
But it seems like some people cannot get past the fact that they cannot afford the most esoteric gear, and therefore assume (a) it's overpriced and should be available to them for whatever they can afford, or (b) that "It's all snake-oil" and just a way for fools to be parted from their $$$.
If that's that way you feel, OK fine. But why spend hours online complaining about it? How's this for an approach; Audition lots of gear and then buy the best sounding stuff that fits your budget and works well together. If you think something is overpriced, or "snake-oil", or simply doesn't sound that well... DON'T buy it! If someone else feels differently, or has a different budget, or for whatever reason, disagrees with you...
SO WHAT!?!? Are you so fragile that the world must accept your truth for you to find peace? Value is in the eyes of the beholder (or more appropriately, in the ears of the listener). Shouldn't you be enjoying some music right now, instead of arguing online? I should! Bye now.