What used speakers raraely come up for sale

Lets keep it under $7,000 used, but interested to hear what used speakers rarely get listed for sale because they are so sought after and if they do appear they get snapped up very quickly?  Cheers
Ruark Excalibur& Solstice were indeed a fantastically musical speakers,  probably the most musical Brit speakers ever.. Sadly very few of those, if any, were ever sold in the US..
Dynaudio Confidence 5............... The most perferct mid range speaker ever ........ NEVER SEE THEM......... Better than any other Dynaudio for mid range joy.........
Matrix 800.
only come available when owners are moving to a smaller space, condo.   
Don’t get confused about some speakers showing up less for sale on the used market. It’s simply a matter of total units sold. The more units sold the more show up for resale.

@ozzy A good point, made a few times. This goes for everything else as well. Enjoy ! MrD.