What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

HEA, in general,  has NOT delivered on its reason for being defined as -  providing the means for enjoying our music fully and with complete contentment. HEA delivers on some well recorded stuff, but in general has not delivered what we want and desire. Couple that with the silly high pricing we see today and you have the reason for HEA collapsing.  The shrinking market has brought on accelerated price increases as manufacturers milk what they can from the shrinking market. This is the classic sign of a product category in the decline phase of the product life cycle.  We are now living in this decline phase. 

The good news is innovation is bringing new home audio products to the market that are right priced and frankly better than what HEA has delivered in the past. 

I am talking about the core market of audiophiles here.  We are not as interested in turning and churning through gear anymore. We have been there and done that enough now and realize all these traditional HEA products don’t and won’t satisfy long term. No way we are spending big money on it now. We are not buying used gear like we used to.  This is why stuff is selling so darn slow if at all. If we decide to try one more piece it better be at a steal, I mean steal of a price. This is driving the prices down. We are a small group we Core Aphiles and we are causing this to happen.  We are the market.  

+1 Grannyring

The decline of acoustic pianos (esp. grands) offers a similar tale, one that developed more quickly than the decline in HEA. Eventually, there are just a few manufacturers left and those who are speak to a vanishing crowd from another time. Doesn't mean their product isn't worthwhile or doesn't offer real sound advantages. Does mean that the culture no longer finds what they offer has value.


"I also aspired to do better and I never recall feeling resentment when others were prospering disproportionately better than I was. Just because everyone can’t afford whatever they want doesn’t make it unfair but it does create opportunities for all of us to weigh our choices more carefully."

Not wanting to sound accusatory, but this point does at least sometimes seem to be the content of these type of threads. 

Grannyring appears to be right. The hobby we so love is shrinking and it seems to be gathering speed toward that end.

You bring up a good point about most of the recordings. While it is true that most of the recordings are in many ways lacking, I would think there are enough that the hobby should have enough great content for some extended period. However, I certainly agree that the vast majority of recordings are truly sub par....unable to truly capture the sound of a cymbal, or a snare brush, or a piano etc., This has undoubtedly lead to many listeners in the hobby blaming the gear and losing interest overall.
Plus, the questionable quality control in the record industry still seems to be an ongoing factor. Pathetic in this day and age if you think about it, IMO.

Thanks to the op for starting this thread, its a great dialogue that will play itself out over time for all of us to review in the future. Succinctly, the following observations may or may not be correlated to the topic. IF HEA is in decline, some of the points are at odds.

1) Some have stated that the prices of new gear is too high while others have stated that the prices of used gear is too low. These blanket statements ignore the Schiit Audio and Linear Tube Audio examples where Schiit gear is selling for sometimes 75% of new prices 5 years later and some LTA gear is selling for close to those numbers. What about Harbeth, their speakers seem to have a strong following in the used market. Schiit and LTA sell direct while Harbeth uses dealers as does McIntosh.

2) Statement pieces from many manufacturers depreciate rapidly in virtually all consumer product categories be it cars, tv’s, smartphones, hea, mountain bikes.

3) The poster who brought up acoustic pianos may be on to something when taken with another poster’s commentary about housing costs. When asked why he was introducing some high performance smallish speakers Dave Wilson answered “because space is expensive”.

4) I would even take that a step further as I work with several 20 and 30 somethings who earn well into six figure incomes. A common thread is they live within their means, drive reasonable autos, live in spaces that meet but don’t exceed their needs, are involved with the activities of their kids, they save money and invest in their future and they don’t don’t typically sit on their bum in front of their tv or stereo for hours. They get out, they are active, they are social, they care about the environment and by extension they monitor energy usage, they are involved in charitable endeavors and they enjoy being in the middle of it all. This is a demographic that would not accept a McMansion in the burbs if you gave it to them.

5) if the old adage of “the only cure for high prices are high prices” holds true on the new end of the market then “the only cure for low prices on the used end of the market would be low prices”. Demand will rise on the used end provided the gear in question meets their above lifestyle choices. That would mean in general, smaller footprints, lighter weights, etc..  My wifes mother was trying to give us a very fine piano and there wasn’t a moment’s hesitation before we said no thanks. Along those same lines, I don’t want any gear I can’t easily move around by myself and moreover, I won’t own a piece of high end gear that can’t be easily shipped to me or on to the next happy owner should my desires change.

In short, buying habits are different today, even among those of us who have been around the hobby a long time. None of the youngsters I work with are willing to overextend or stretch and they learned to be patient over the past 10-15 years while trying to start their careers during the boom-bust-boom economic cycle. HEA isnt dead, its just changing. While the smartphone as the entry level may not meet the standards of many on this this site, it is leaps and bounds better than the boomboxes so many in earlier generations began with.

In summary, look to the manufacturers who are producing products that innovate, carry a reasonable form factor, provide reliability and ease of use and make great music. And dont underestimate form factor, the generation coming into the sweet spot age wise are very mobile, they change jobs alot and move geographically alot. They will load up the Subaru at a moment’s notice and their stuff has to fit!