What speakers play the loudest cleanly ?

Wondering what speakers you guys have auditioned that play very loudly while remaining clean? In my (limited) experience it would be Revel Salons but I'm wondering what else is out there along those lines? I have no particuliarly good reason for the question, just curious.
For a non-horn type design, I would say that the larger ATC are the loudest and most dynamic speakers you can find. The ATC 3" midrange has a much bigger magnet than 99% of woofers (just to give you an idea). ATC woofers also use heavy magnets and have some of the largest Xmax I know of. Watching Top Gun with ATC is like being there on the deck of an aircraft carrier...either you need ear defenders or you need to turn down the volume to a comfortable level. These speakers are not suited for a condo.
klipschorns, jbl vintage ie jubal etc, bose 901's(802's) , westlake audio....other pro designs