My Quicksilver preamp inverts polarity

What do I have to do to get the sound right? 
Throughout my systems, I have an Adcom GDA 700 and an Audio Alchemy DDE V 3.0, and they both have phase switches. So it was known way back then that many cds were recorded out of phase ( as well as some equipment reversing phase ). Enjoy ! MrD.
I had all three iterations of the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 preamp and all of them inverted polarity, as did the Rogue RP-5 preamp.  I just switched the connections at the speaker end and left it at that.  Never bothered me.
The Atma-Sphere pre's have polarity switches, something I wish all did. My old Decca cartridges were themselves polarity-inverting, iirc---do the Quicksilver and Modulus invert in their phono stages or their line stages?

Geoff, you yourself stated polarity of recording is about 50/50 just in the recent few weeks somewhere around here!So you should stop just grabbing whatever to create buzz. LOL(at least you stopped parroting polarity of wires, it really was getting tired).

>>>>As I already said you’re misquoting me. I said at least 50% of CDs are inverted Polarity. It was just the other day on this thread. Sometimes I have even said the number might be as high as 92%. But it all depends on what Polarity your system is relative to the CD. There are no standards for Polarity.

 I wasn’t talking about Polarity of wires, Lizzie. I was talking about directionality of wires. Don’t get tired, Lizzie. Wake up and smell the 🌹 🌹 🌹

excerpt from George Louis’ VERY long article on Polarity of CDs,

“Summing up in music-lover terms, 100% of listeners whose systems play CDs in absolute polarity when the polarity of the CDs are the same as the polarity of the CD player (the system’s net analog polarity is non-inverting) are hearing their CDs play inverted approximately 92% of the time and therefore aren’t able to enjoy the maximum potential emotional involvement with the music they love. Due to the on going nature of the research, you may check for the date of the latest revision to this monograph about polarity. High-Res discs and downloads aren’t exempt from polarity problems, but because I haven’t tested a sufficiently large sample, I don’t know what percentage are inverted.”

Why why not switch interconnects into the amp instead of swapping at the speakers? Much easier. That’s what I did with my Aric Audio preamp.