what is the weakest link in my audio chain

Would like to get some advice on the next best upgrade to the following setups. Music playbacks are very important here.

paradigm studio 40 v2 for fronts
paradigm studio center v2
paradigm studio 20 v2 for rears
Hsu VTF3 MKII as sub
Arcam av8
Bryston 9bst
denon dvd-2910
outlaw interconnect
generic digital coax from denon to arcam
HomeDepot extension cord (10AWG) for speaker wires.
How happy are you with the denon player;maybe modding,replacing or even using a external d/a would result in increased low level detail and microdynamics if that is your goal.
Thanks for your inputs.
Before I put up this thread, I have already had something in my mind. I thought you would recommend me replacing the Denon, the speakers, and doing acoustic treatment to the room as the first steps to get a noticeable sonic improvement.
Looks like many of you think my setup is decent. To get better sound than this setup will cost a lot more.
Rleff, without putting another DVD players into my system to do a comparison with the Denon, I do not know how to answer your question. Dealer demo, in my opinion, is not reliable because the rest of the systems are a lot different between mine, or the other dealers. How do I know the sound improvement, or the lack of, is not because of the effects of the rest of the components? I would rather trust Audiogoner's opinions about a particular component. If the majority of you recommend the component, then it it a safe bet that this particular component is worth considering.
My thoughts were just to try another source if your were interested,denon makes a very nice product designed for performance at certain price point;modding the unit,going new or using a seperate external d/a would give you some areas to think about trying.
If replacing: a dealers audition in your system would be the best comparsion,lastly the external d/a is a route I took once and it worked out very nicely as there are always several higher level d/a's for sale on this site;letting you move up to the next level.
You said that the problem with trying other components was that the rest of the dealer's system wouldn't necessarily match yours. If you deal with a decent A/V retailer (not BB and CC) most will allow you to take any specific component home to try in your system in your listening room. They'll usually write it up as a sale on your credit card just as insurance that you'll return the unit in the time specified. Once you develop a relationship, even that restriction usually disappears.

I too had an ageing sytem that needed upgrading and I wasn't sure where the best bang for my buck would be. By trying a couple things, I quickly could hear that, for my system, the biggest improvement came form a substantial upgrade in my souce player. Good luck, but be forwarned, upgrading is infectious.

I tried a few dealers but none of them was willing to let me bring an item home for audition, even though I promised that if I like the item I will buy it. They insisted that I buy one and if not satisfied, take it back for an exchange for better (more expensive) ones.
My pocket is not deep so most of my gears are bought here or from ebay. That may be the reason why I do not have any established relations with any of the dealers around me.
I wish audio manufactures adopt the model set by outlaw audio, who lets you try their gears free for a month and return it back for a full refund if not satisfied.