Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Welcome!  dancastagna
there is a plethora of good information in this thread. The CS 2.7 is an excellent loudspeaker. Feed it with the best sources and you will be musically rewarded. The highs are highly resolving, very clean and clear.Most will describe this attribute with acting bright and/or forward. Careful cable -matching is a must as well. Thiel speakers respond to both solid state and tubed gear, something for every Audiophile. Buying used or demo is the way to go! This is a great and fun hobby. You are well on your way.Happy Listening!
Thank You - ronkentfor speaking about your demo with the Magico system. I have often spoke about rising to that kind of level (Magico, Verity Audio or Joseph Audio Pearl)to possibly better the CS 3.7 loudspeaker. And yes, that is the $20-30K neighborhood for speakers alone. Good to read that you enjoyed yourself.Do you recall the cabling used?Happy Listening!
Hi Guys, As Beetle mentioned, I have a system for identifying cabinet misbehavior that permits real-time experimentation and amelioration. I use Chladni Patterns in my acoustic guitar design, I love the method, and will summarize here as applied to enclosures. On each panel in sequence, sprinkle glitter (etc), drive the cabinet with variable sine wave, stop when glitter bounces. The physical resonance patterns are mapped via glitter bouncing off the moving anti-nodal areas and accumulating in the still nodes. A seismic map! Take a photo. Increase signal frequency and repeat. Do all the panels.
One neat part is that correlations are easy to make on all panels, allowing a 3-D visualization and suggesting direct intervention strategies. This method is low-tech and enormously informative.
I have identified some modes on my CS2 2s, which are easily addressed. We can quiet down all the cabinets.

On other fronts, good progress is being made. Parts are on order for Beetle's 2.4SEs and my PowerPoint 1.2s. 
I recently purchased a pair of CS 2.7 that I am running with a peachtree nova 300 and accessing Tidal as a source. I found the highs a little bright and the lows so so.
I've not heard this amp but class D amps are reported to be generally less musical (albeit gobs of power for a low price). You might try a solid state design from ARC, Ayre, Classe', or Pass (among others). In the meantime, make sure your placement and room are optimized. Jim Smith's "Get Better Sound" is a good place to start without spending a bunch of money.
@jafant  greetings,  i am not sure of the cables but i know he likes Clarus.   the Magico guy was there to make sure it was done right.  they are probably the most accurate speaker i have ever heard,  but again, they are in another price league from used 3.7's (mine came from Rob G).  i think at this level,  i could be happy for many a year, and i have used Thiel exclusively since 1985.   thanks for starting this thread way back.