Better than my 32" Sony Wega XBR?

I would love to go to a flat panel tv. But, I have not seen anything (I've tried the ususal retail outlets) that can compete with the image quality of my Sony Wega XBR. Every flat panel tv of any kind that I have seen a) blacks out shadow detail, and b) and suffers from artifacts.

Have you found any flat panel at ANY price that has the kind of shadow detail in the XBR?

Have you found any flat panel for less than $5000 that beats the shadow detail of the XBR?

I really like the idea of a flat panel. Jeff
Nothing will beat good old tube units but some are not as bas as others, look at the Panasonic Plasma models for a pretty good overall picture, LCD flat panels come in third of the 3 for picture quality.
I bought my 36" WEGA XBR right before the flat panel craze started. Just to save room I'd like to go to a flat panel but my picture is so darn good and I paid so darn much for this TV I just can't move yet.
