Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!

Hey all,

As someone who hasn't been reading the audiophile press for all that long, I stumbled upon this article that I'm sure it lit up these airwaves when it was first published:

It's a great article and one that any knowledgeable person would most likely agree with, but hey, spending your own hard-earned (or inherited) money is a right and a privilege.  Art does call out some brands that he perceives to give great value:  AMVR, VPL, Conrad-Johnson, DeVore and Harbeth and Kimber and Peachtree and Quicksilver and Rega and Rogue and Spendor and Wavelength.  Shouldn't NAD be on this list?  

But what he doesn't do and I think is warranted, is name the companies that are most egregious in selling high-end products where the performance is far below the cost.  

I, for one, would love to see a list of those manufacturers from the people who read this forum.  You can group them by what they manufacture or just put them in order as you see fit.  I think it would be most helpful in calling b.s. but with "added-value", which is what this whole article was all about.  Right?

 Your "Quantum" "Teleportation" is meant to sound like something really complex.You hope people will look at the word "Quantum" and scratch their head and think "Quantum "that's sounds pretty sophisticated to me.That sounds really advanced that word does.Some guy on one of the posts tried your Quantum Teleportation  and he says it sounded like you were hitting a bunch of pans with a spoon.You say it works for even people with a land line phone. All that land line phones are capable of is "hello how are you" SOUND in other words.You say you do not even have to take the phone away from your ear,all sound is directional its not like a "field".So your ear blocking the sound coming over the phone doesn't' matter.Your stereo,which doesn't't even have ears, but if it did, by just hearing this small minute sound in the background is supposed to change everything  around. Would that not be special !! I personally like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz, it kept the buzzards away.If there are any real scientists who think your argument is not a strawman one; or who would even spend a minute of their time considering this; name them.Or is this something that's top secret??
Re: Geoff Kait. I had a change of heart. If you can prove you really worked for NASA as an engineer I will try some of your products/ services and recommend them to other people if they work well. I'll tell you what I'll do. Instead of arguing like this, why don't we charter a bus some day, you, me, some of my family, some of your friends or family and go down to NASA. Like a field trip.
  We can make a day of it !! Maybe get there around a quarter to noon.Being a former big engineer there, you ought to be able to get us all right in; no sweat I bet. We can head over to the NASA cafeteria, pig out on Sloppy Joe's and Jello.What flavor Jello do they have there? Red white and blue I bet. Maybe they even have some with an upside down strawberry sticking up in the middle, like a nose cone.
 NASA is a good job, people work there for years, they stay with it till they retire As the cafeteria fills up with your former friends I hope it will be a heart warming reunion for all of you.Many of them are bound to still be working there. I am warning you though; if I'm done with my first Sloppy Joe and not one person comes over to hug you, I am going to be PISSED !! All those hours on the bus; and then not being able to try on space helmets, no hugging rockets, no getting to see if the rocket decals are stick on's. No getting to see how I look in a shiny silver suit that I can see myself in. Having to have lived on pockets full of boiled eggs and all that money spent at Sbarro stops. I hope you are being truthful with us and you really were an engineer at NASA. Where do you live? I live in Hollywood Florida, just around the corner from the dog track and the stripper place.Oh, I remember now, you live in Virginia. PERFECT !! JUST PERFECT !!  Where I live should be about the midway point between where you live and NASA. Even the bus driver will appreciate the break.Hey, bring that Quantum Telepporter thingy with you.If it works over the phone 10,000 miles away, just think of what a difference it'll make if you zap my stereo right there in person. It's been my experience that things ALWAYS work better in person VS. over the phone.Just Don't Zap My Dog. He's a retired greyhound. His name is Bruce, but his racing name was PMS Ready To Start Streaking. He lost his last nine in a row before they retired him. He doesn't' bite unless he really hates you.What do you say ???

supertweak asked,

“Or is this something that’s top secret??”

Now, you’re getting warm. Try Above Top Secret, Junior.

I finally explained the whole story. Sometimes to create you must destroy.