Tekton Double Impacts(4 ohm version) with two distinct amps.

I was hoping to obtain direct input from owners of DI’s with 2 amps I interested in:

Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP


Atmasphere M60’s(with or without zero autoformers)

If you have experience with one of these amps running DI’s, in house or at demo, I would appreciate hearing about your experience.

@recluse  I don't know of anyone driving the DIs with the M60s. I believe you will get more feedback from those using Primaluna.

I encourage you to reach out to Ralph @atmasphere and get his direct feedback.

I started a thread asking for recommendations on amplification to drive the DIs / SEs with and a few folks (in the know) recommended the Atmasphere M60s. My DIs and SEs are the 4ohm version. 

All the best!
Thanks for the reply. These 3 components are quite popular for widely different reasons and I’m hoping, because of this, to hear someone’s actual experience, positive or not. 

A Link  to your thread would be much appreciated. I somehow didn’t come accross it in my search.

Also, If the moderators want the OP to go to the colossal thread, I am ok with that.

Ralph has contributed quite a lot of info regarding OTL amplifiers and on this forum. Thanks for the tip and I would second that if anyone else is interested in OTL tube amplifiers.

Here is the thread: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/member-s-recommendations-for-tube-amplification

Take a look at @atmasphere and @almarg s’ posts. There are a number of very good recommendations from members who posted.
Thanks for the link, the info was very helpful
thanks also for the antitekton thread bumps lol ;-)