DIY Power cables: quality wire?

I’m wanting to DIY a few power cables. I’ve looked around and with so much positive & negative information I’ve become to realize, I just want to use high quality wire, and it be very well shielded so that I can use in my system. 

I don’t want all of the super high end end plugs as I’m going to use the Sonar Quest ones. I don’t really want to make the cable other than just terminate it with the plugs. 

Can someone recommend to high quality bulk wire that highly shielded in 10guage and 12 gauge?

Also, I’m looking to terminate a couple of C7 end plugs, is there a place to buy those types of plugs?

I second VH Audio.  They ship very quickly and always had what I wanted in stock.
take a look at Take Five Audio

I have used their silver plated Mil-spec wire on power, speaker and IC's with great success - very dynamic and neutral sounding

From my listening tests I consider this wire to be as good as Furutech and DH labs

Here are links to the cables i currently use

As for the C7 connector - I use this one and I find irt to be exceptional

Regards - Steve

Also check out, and Parts Connexion will probably have the largest selection.
(Oyaide V2, TUNAMI GPX-R V2) or (Furutech SO32N 12 gauge, S55N 10 gauge). You didn't mention how much you wanted to spend on wire.
What @lak says! I used the Furutech SO22N and 32N.  They make great power cords!