CT - I need your phone number. PM me.
I just purchased some WireWorld Cat8 cables and a Platinum power cord for my new yet to arrive dac, which is being sent to Matt to play with first.
What is being said here mirrors extensive research on Computer Audiophile in the past. Adding an LPS to everything in my network, I am best served to keep all non-audiophile required items wireless and have LPS to each NAS, Audiophile Switch, router and maybe modem. Add in expensive cable...costs are similar to a new system!
With the ton of noise injected from switch power supplies in my house, my office AC line being by far the worse, the only other option than optical is a series of galvanic isolation units. I have observed benefit with multiple units but other have not in their system.
I think Giso brand is better than most but I have not tried all of them out there now.