I am not speaking for anyone else here, but I grew up in a house where television was B/W then colour in the 60's. We rode on bicycles 4-5 miles to school, in shorts and long socks, rotary dial bakelite phones, slide rules and log tables, no calculators.
HiFi, or Stereo was hi-end. Not everyone had a valve radio/record player all in one wood made unit. We appreciated every new piece of technology that came along. And it was expensive. I remember my Apple IIe with twin 360kb 5.25 floppy disks cost AUD$2,500.
The availability of near to best high end HiFi is in comparison, cheap. Why would a millennial or gen Y/Z pay a gazumption on high priced art when you can travel the world for $1000?
The big end of town is quickly running out of appreciative buyers. Get with it guys, stop crying about reality.