Low Watt Solid State Amp

I am a tube guy.  Have been for the last 20 years.  I have various tube amps that I rotate depending on my mood.  More recently, I have had the urge to add a solid state amp to the rotation.  Looking for something clean, detailed, natural sounding that is in the neighborhood of 20 to 50 watts.  I use a deHavilland Ultraverve 3 preamp with relatively high efficiency Tonian Lab speakers.  Firstwatt comes to mind but is higher than I want to spend right now.  Budget is about $1,000.  Looking for a diamond in the rough kinda piece.  For example, one of the tube amps that puts a smile on my face every time I plug it in is my Dynaco ST-35 -- not a huge investment, but just always sounds right.  Any ideas are much appreciated.  Thanks
I was auditioning some speakers at a shop and because I told them I had a 12 watt per side single ended tube amp, they used a 25 watt per side Luxman M200 that sounded great...weird little seemingly well made SS amp with a display of the watts it was using.
I am the original owner of a Bedini 25/25 (bought new from Innovative Audio in Brooklyn, NY in 1981).And I agree with trelja - it is still the amp (SS or tube) to beat in the sonic sweepstakes! I have never found a tube amp to equal it - though my Futterman's came the closest!
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