The computer was pretty easy in comparison. It’s a Windows 7 desktop and the internal ASUS Xonar Essence STX sound card, pricey and very highly rated, has never been compatible with my power supply and I’ve never been able to keep it working. So I bought an external USB DAC which will be delivered on Monday a not so cheap Audio Alchemy DDP-1 with upgraded power supply and I VERY much hope it will be a much better performer than my internal sound card was. I’m now looking for a decent USB cable and RCA cables and then I hope it will sing on the wonderful hi res music now available.
The stereo components at my computer are oldies but mostly goodies, a Musical Fidelity A3cr Preamp and an Adcom Amp and Spendor S3/5 Monitor Speakers. Would like to upgrade the Amp and I’ll be set for awhile.