Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I have a friend/dealer (the only one in NC that sells Magico) and heard the A3 speakers recently. I think they retail for about 10K and not $223 but glad the 3.7's can hold their own.   Recently heard some bigger ones (about $28K) and they were very impressive. however i did not come home and get that sick feeling when i know my speakers suck by comparison.   In fact was very happy with the 3.7's.
The designer's job becomes extremely easier by using 4th order Linkwitz Reilly crossovers which give you everything except phase coherence at the XO point. They introduce 360° / 1 full cycle, which is considered by some, including someone recently posting on this forum, to be zero. The full-cycle time error can be corrected with digital signal processing, if one is in the digital domain. The "new Thiel" pulled a AD-correction-DA jujitsu. It works except for that last truth of ultimate rightness of doing it right in the analog domain. I suspect the Magico to be doing in some fashion what I described, but I don't know anything about it.
oops. mixed up the A3 with the Magico Q7 Mk II. They are $223 K.Harrylavo, if your equalizers have problems, get them fixed by Rob. I had mine damage the low voltage circuit of my power amp.

I will do soldering soon by myself, but kind of worrying about my soldering skill will mess up the 7.2 or not. Although Rob told me that's straight forward. 
Then you will have the confidence to upgrade your caps and resistors or build a full “hot rod” kit if/when it becomes available.  :)

Magico Q7 Mk II. They are $223 K
I’d like to think these would outperform a $15k speaker! But the SQ gap, if any, is not anywhere near the $$$ gap. All the more so if the crossovers are upgraded to premium parts. Maybe some of you CS3.7 or 7.2 owners will try Dueland or Path resistors. Anyone wanting to explore the outer limits with Dueland caps, however, will certainly need to go outboard (see Jim Smith’s outboard In the meantime, Tom Thiel’s parts choices will be significant quality upgrades while still in line with Thiel Audio’s performance/price sensibility.