Why not use mains as centers

Is there a reason I should'nt use two good bookshelfs or smaller towers for my center if I have two center outputs and available amp channel?
Many people (myself included) find that there's no center channel like NO center channel. If your seating has no one sitting outside one of your main speakers, try running your system with and without a center (to test your system without a center channel, tell your processor you have a "phantom" center). You may find, as I have, that your L+R main speakers provide a more stable, coherent soundfield and well-anchored dialog WITHOUT a physical center channel speaker than with one.

Everyone's installation is different, so there's no telling how many will find this helpful, but I know that I'm not the only one who has found this to be true. Good luck to all!
I use a set of Klipsch KG5.5 as my rear LR and a single KG5.5 as my center with Khorns as my LR. the full range speaker works great but i have the room to do this in as my front projector screen sits in front of the center speaker.

That is the ideal way to do it - you need the right kind of screen for this but this is the perfect way.
OK, tried the "phantom" center yesterday, and I hate to say this, but it didn't sound good at all. Very hollow sounding, I tried some other setting changes, but just turning the center on again was a huge improvment.

Since I don't listen to multi channel music, I kept my excellent Definitive Tech CLR 2500 center with the powered 8" sub in it, from a previous system, great speaker.

Actually, when I downsized my AV system to just video based a few years back, I got rid of my high end 2 channel stuff and just used a reciever and bought all Def Tech speakers (BP 7004's for mains) with no sub. Just used the subs built into the 7004's and that system sounded very, very good. I'm a huge Def Tech fan now, maybe the best value I have seen in speakers.