Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C

I have a Plinius Koru- Here are ADJUSTABLE LOADS-
47k ohms, 22k ohms, 1k ohms, 470 ohms, 220 ohms, 100 ohms, 47 ohms, 22 ohms

I'm about to buy an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze that recommends loading at 50-200 ohms

Will 47 ohms work? Or should I start out at 100 ohms?

I'm obviously not well versed in this...and would love all the help I can get.

Also is there any advantage to buying a phono cartridge that loads exactly where the manufacturer recommends?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
May I ask what low output MC cartridge has 5ohm and 5mH? The 5ohms is representative enough, but 5mH is a few decimal places larger than I would expect.
Sorry, a typo. It was meant to be 0.5mH. The simulations were all done with 0.5mH- note that the roll off calc for the RL was done with .ooo5H. I can perform the sims for any set of values you choose, and if you care to do so I would be obliged to you.
I just measured a cartridge I have it's 10.7uH, 16 ohms DC.
I'll resimulate with that and see what happens.
I measured the inductance- cartridge plus interconnect to phono input on preamp.
The total was 11.8uH. The capacitance was 51pF. including the preamp input the capacitance was 205pF. Excluding the input load cap it's 85pF.
I'll use those numbers and see what I get.
Thank you for joining the thread, Jonathan, and for providing the link. The text to the right of the last figure in the post Jonathan linked to is particularly relevant. Some excerpts [words in brackets are mine]:

The resonant peaks have too high of a frequency to hear directly, but the magnitude of the peaks and their high frequencies are likely to cause decreased stability and increased distortion and noise in many phono stages. Some phono stages will be fairly insensitive to these ultrasonic peaks, while other phono stages will show bigger effects....

... No additional capacitive loading was used [in the simulations] at the phono stage input.

Comparing the simulations of the 3 cables shows that higher capacitances of the tonearm-to-phono stage interconnect cable demand lower resistor values at the phono stage input to control the resonant high-frequency peaks. This, in turn, reduces the cartridge’s dynamics and resolution, and can also worsen tracking ability.

Also, regarding Wyn’s simulations, I would reiterate a point I made in an earlier post:

Almarg 5-26-2018
I believe what underlies the differing perspectives between your [Wyn’s] analysis and what I, Atmasphere, and JCarr have maintained is that while your analysis focuses on rejection of RFI per se, as reflected in your choice of 10 MHz in the analysis, I and the others have focused on energy that may be generated by the cartridge itself, at and near the resonant frequency.

Best regards,
-- Al