Which wires for Origin Live tonearm?

I need to install new wires in my Origin Live Silver Mk2 arm. I've been told that Audio Note silver wires should be the best (https://www.hificollective.co.uk/wire/audio-note-silver-internal-tone-arm-wire.html). I've contacted Origin Live, whom I also intend to carry out the work, and they inform that their own wires ("cryogenicaly treated wire") priced 77 GBP, same as original, are by far superior to the Audio Note wires.
Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Thanks.

Thanks a lot to all of you for the very useful information.
The guy from Origin Live, with whom I discussed, mentioned that there are two kinds of AN wire, the UK and the Japanese. I also had the impression that he considered the Japanese as best.
He said that this is UK type: https://www.hificollective.co.uk/wire/audio-note-silver-internal-tone-arm-wire.html (65 GBP/2m).
Maybe this is the "Japanese" type: https://www.hollandlink.eu/index.php?item=---set&action=article&aid=1422&lang=EN
(289 EUR/2m).
From the price difference I could suspect that there is in fact two different AN types.
Can anybody clarify and inform on the difference, also as for performance? Thanks.

Dear @gooseberry:  I agree with @frogman , the AN is a top alternative and second to none and yes a pain in the ass to work with.

In the other side the Kondo is different and not different because all those bs " mysthic " surrounded all Kondo items but because is solid wire against the litz AN-UK silver wires. Forgeret about the Kondo, only good $$$ hype marketing.

Here the UK: http://www.audionote.co.uk/products/misc/cables_home_01.shtml

I can't speak for the ones from OL but I agree with frogman and seriously doubt can even stays near the AN-UK quality performance levels.

Another very good alternative is:


which is better?, hard to say. I tested and own both but you can't go wrong with either.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,