Schiit not shipping

Anybody else only receiving lip service instead of customer service from Schiit Audio? In March I ordered three products and today May 28th they say they have no idea when any might ship, saying the Freya production is stopped. Back order dates have come and gone without any explanation or contact. 
I have been in line for an upgrade since Feb. They tell me the issue is getting the USB boards. Small companies rely on a supply chain of parts. However as this has extended one would think alternate sources could be found. They are not a very big company and I am sure they would like to be completing orders. Still whoever is in charge o0f purchasing has stepped in...
I ordered the Freya on about April 27, and watched the Schiit Freya page for updates.  The “back ordered until” date changed twice, and after the second change, I canceled my Freya order and ordered the Saga instead.
 I can sympathize somewhat with what Schiit may be experiencing, I believe they are growing and are selling quite a lot of some items.  It would be nice to have an explanation for the delays, but there’s probably not much they can do besides wait for the parts at this point.  

I received the Saga, and found it needed to be broken in somewhat.  At first it sounded a little sterile and I could not detect a difference between the two modes.

 But after 18 hours or so it’s easy to hear a difference between passive and tube active.  The Saga has great detail and imaging, with some 3D presentation at this point.  I have mid level Mortow and audioquest cables, the Bifrost Multibit, Nad C565BEE CD player and current model Adcom 555SE.  Oh, and Totem Sky speakers(also Rainmakers and Sierra 2)

If the Saga is this good, I can’t help but wonder what the Freya will do in a good system.

 I think I’m becoming a schiit head, to continue the pun one liners, they really are delivering value and excellent performance, it’s worth the wait.
**You may be up schiit creek without a paddle - or in this case a Freya.**

Seriously, Hope you get this worked out ASAP.