@helomech --
There's an aspect of poster @bukirob's post above that may not have received proper diligence, which is that of acknowledging how different cabinet materials invariably have actual and different sonic characteristics. The analogy to musical instruments in this regard isn't necessarily a way of saying that speakers should be build the same way, i.e. as obvious resonators that highly contribute to the overall sound, but rather that care in choosing the right cabinet material should be applied to speakers as well, considering the above mentioned. The argument that enclosures need to be as inert as possible doesn't equate into their total inertness by any practical measure, and so their inevitable contribution is still to be dealt with - while often failing to properly do so, not least by ear. Quite a few I've spoken to on this subject feel particle boards like MDF or HDF have a tendency to unnaturally deaden the sound acting as enclosures, certainly compared to ply- or hardwood, not unlike the way I feel drivers with a range of "exotic" cone materials seem to lack a sense of aliveness, organic quality and energy compared to paper cones. How many actually speak of the rationale for choosing particle boards with reference to their sounding good - be it either in virtue of sonic absence or presence? Most simply and blindly refer to them as being relatively "inert."
There's an aspect of poster @bukirob's post above that may not have received proper diligence, which is that of acknowledging how different cabinet materials invariably have actual and different sonic characteristics. The analogy to musical instruments in this regard isn't necessarily a way of saying that speakers should be build the same way, i.e. as obvious resonators that highly contribute to the overall sound, but rather that care in choosing the right cabinet material should be applied to speakers as well, considering the above mentioned. The argument that enclosures need to be as inert as possible doesn't equate into their total inertness by any practical measure, and so their inevitable contribution is still to be dealt with - while often failing to properly do so, not least by ear. Quite a few I've spoken to on this subject feel particle boards like MDF or HDF have a tendency to unnaturally deaden the sound acting as enclosures, certainly compared to ply- or hardwood, not unlike the way I feel drivers with a range of "exotic" cone materials seem to lack a sense of aliveness, organic quality and energy compared to paper cones. How many actually speak of the rationale for choosing particle boards with reference to their sounding good - be it either in virtue of sonic absence or presence? Most simply and blindly refer to them as being relatively "inert."