Which of these 3 simular streamers do I select - help!

  1. Arcam rPlay ??
  2. Bluesound 2  ??
  3. Aries mini  ??

Hi please help:

I need help choosing a streamer and would prefer it be of the giant killer variety category if possible (I’ll pay a little more to get something better than Arcam rPlay, Bluesound 2, Aries mini, but prefer not to) .

I’ve having trouble finding a review on these streamers that does not factor-in their on-board DAC. I will be using my Benchmark DAC-1, so how do I judge which is the better (pure) streamer? There is also the concern of what pairs best with my revealing DAC and the sometimes mid-bloat of my 300b amp.

Equipment (I listen to Jazz mainly):
  • Benchmark DAC-1 v.G
  • Softone 300b amp with passive PA (whose volume control I will be using)
  • Druid MK IV 101db speakers
I will be streaming mainly Tidal, some flac (NAS), all exclusively via WiFi .

My dilema;
  1. Arcam: appears to have the best fidelity and power supplies of the three, though also heard it unfolds Tidal poorly...
  2. Bluesound Node II: has all the "bells and whistles’ though is 2015 technology and usually comes in 2nd or 3rd and I’ve heard it tends sacrifices natural for smooth.
  3. Aries: Also highly rated, faster pace than Bluesound, though discontinued and hard to find

Thank you in advance


@saffy Just to clarify, TIDAL does not get unfolded. MQA is unfolded by licenced manufacturers who have been approved to use MQA.

I cannot vouch for the abilities of Arcam or Aries, but you also may consider MYTEK as it offers MQA and has had good writeups/reviews.

I do own a Bluesound 2 and find that it does all required for my listening pleasure (streaming digital etc) and sounds very good, with the rest of my modest system to back it up.

Thank you all, please keep in mind that I require wireless and that my budget is $500-750 for new or used.