Where do I go from here?

    • Marantz AV-7005, pre/pro (with balanced outputs and 1.4a HDMI);  Rotel RMB-1565, surrounds and center;  Rotel RKB-650, mains w/ bi-amping;  Martin Logan Motion 20, mains;  Martin Logan Motion 8 Center; Klipsch SW-10, subKEF iQ-5, surroundsKlipsch RS-41 II, surround backs
  • Alright y'all, here is your chance to help out the newbie with your thoughts and opinions. Thanks in advance for what you may offer.  I have the above system, which is sounding really nice, with many of the qualities I've been looking for, but the upgraditis is creeping in, (again, sigh) and I am wondering which of the components may represent the weak link to my music listening nirvana?  As some my recognize, I recently added the Motion 20's to the lineup, much to my satisfaction, but where might I go from here.  I'm thinking my better half may let me get away with another $1500-2000 before I'm sleeping with the system and not her, LOL.  Since I'm more interested in the musicality of the system, listening to a mix of female vocal, rock, and dipping into the ambient realm now and then, I'm considering the replacement of the Rotel RKD-650 with something in a nice stereo configuration, possibly 3-channel to pick up the center. I'm really looking to broaden and deepen the soundstage as much as anything.  What do you think?
    Thanks, Bill.  The surround sound is less of a concern as I primarily listen in stereo.  I moved the Kef's from the main to the surround and they actually give the sound tracks a little more timbre and depth on the movies.  I am concerned with voice matching the fronts, however, which is why I am parting ways with the Kef IQ2 center and got the Motion 8.  Nothing wrong with the Kef's, I just wanted to move up a little from their entry level.
    Are you talking about 2-channel music too, or just multi-channel listening?
    IMHO, you have your best amplifier driving the surrounds and center. Have you ever used the RMB-1565 for front, center, and surrounds, with the RKB-650 driving the surrounds backs? This should be better for 2 channel music as well. The Motion 20’s should sound better with 2 channels of the 1565 than 4 channels of the 650. I also agree with Bill about timbre matching speakers for movie surround and multichannel audio.

    My music listening is primarily only through the mains, which is why I'm leaning toward a nicer 2 channel.  Let me throw in some amps I've seen here; Mac, NAD, Classe, Marantz, Anthem, even Krell in the solid state classe, with a few stereo tube amps or hybrids in the mix as well.  Much of my music listening is via Network services (Pandora, Media Monkey, etc.) but perhaps an upgrade to the Samsung Blu-Ray player is in order?
    Thanks, tls 49, I started out that way, but for some reason I opted to use the 650, perhaps thinking bi-amping would make up the difference in power??  I will move things around a little and see what comes of it.  Would you forego the bi-amping then?  Or maybe keep the bi-amping and drive the mains with 4 channels (x 200) and use the remaining 2 for the surrounds?  That would leave the 650 to put the center on a 100 watt output @ 4 ohms (unless I bi-amp) and the surround backs at 50 watts into 8 ohms. (I love experimenting, BTW.)