B&W 803D or Dynaudio C2's

I am asked by a friend to mine this question from the generous folks of the group.
I've given him the "go listen" and am asking for the model of his surround receiver to add to the post. But in general, can anyone give their impressions of these two?
Also, if there is a relative vg cond used market here, what other speakers would exceed the performance of these two in that price range.
Primarily, as I do not know that he will buy or have shipped anything used, comments of comparison on these two would be greatly appreciated.
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I own a pair of C2's. I've never seriously listened to a pair of B&W's, the 803D or otherwise, so I can't add anything to the "which is better" question.

I had my C2's in a 14x18x8 room until recently. I have a Velodyne DD-15 which I sometimes use, sometimes don't. In that room, the bass of the C2's is very satisfying - I could easily imagine a speaker with a deeper low end overpowering a room of that size.

I recently had the opportunity to move the C2's to my LR, which is more like 20x40 and opens to the rest of the house. It is still an extremely satisfying speaker in this environment, but as I listen to mostly rock, blues and jazz, I do plan on experimenting with speakers with a deeper low-end, possibly higher in the Dynaudio line, possibly another manufacturer.

Dyn's always take a little volume before they come "alive" - they're pleasant sounding at low levels, but they really come into their own at medium and louder volumes. This is somewhat less the case in their current models than some of their older models, but it's still the case IMO.

That said, at medium and louder levels, even in the new environment, the C2's have a substantial low end that is tuneful and satisfying. Like any self respecting audio geek, I'd love to get it even "better".

Again, I can't compare it to the 803D's.
Scott, the music is in the midrange. Bass doesn't determine the best speaker, otherwise we'd all just buy a pair of Cerwin Vega's and be done with it.
No one is knocking the B&W 803D's, they are fine speakers, but if you haven't heard the Dynaudio C2's, then cannot understand the differences.

Besides, looking at the specs, the 803D's are -6db @ 28hz, and the C2's are -2db @ 28 hz, so what is your point about bass?

Remember, others prefering other products does not invalidate a purchase decision that you have made. If you are enjoying your 803D's that's all that matters, right?
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You're too smart for me Scott. Top to bottom front to back, eh? That's deep.

Actually the 901's are only a dream.....maybe one day I could afford such great speakers........... :)

Enjoy your 803D's, not to worry, ignorance is bliss.