Why so many linn lp12s for sale

Has anyone noticed that suddenly Agon has numerous linn lp 12s for sale?
Today I counted 8! Is there something going on.....are they going out of style . Or is this just random sales fluctuation?
From recent research the older Linns have a 20-25 year bearing life expectancy.??? Which is ridiculuous. Compare to thorens, garrard lencos and technics which practically run forever. Another preplanned cash grab by this ridiculous company.
Shame shame shame.

hold on there a minute. How many of the other tables that are even 20-25 years old, even have the possibility of replacing a faulty bearing??
Which particular era of Linn are you talking about? The new Cirkus bearing is a pretty major step up over the older bearing design..pity that the old Garrard/ Thorens/Lenco bearing design is well....still the old Garrard/Thorens/Lenco bearing design, lol.
I had an LP-12, Ekos, Arkiv - FET-10 Hi & PC + Mac MC-30’s and M&K Sat./Sub between 1990 and 2010 and I loved it!
All was lost in 2012 after years of unemployment, and my system had to be sacrificed.
Now, I am back to square one, with an AR XB on an XA base w. M97Xe playing through Schiit bits and an Adcom 545II into M&K S1-B’s & a Volkswoofer gifted by an old friend and I am just fine!
I live on a busy street in Santa Barbara with heavy commercial traffic, so my ’real’ listening comes mainly at night, and at very moderate sound levels. This fits the bill for my SS Retirement Income. :-)
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Now that I have listened to the Technics / Triplanar rig for 5-6 weeks; I like it even more. Does it mean that My LP12 doesn’t sound good? No, it sounds different and still pleases in different ways.

Will the new Technics put every other TT in the attic, basement or used market? Absolutely Not. Every TT at every price point is still valid. They will all provide the pleasure of vinyl.

At this point in time for Me; the Linn being a sprung TT has become untenable. I will keep my Kuzma belt drive and enjoy its qualities. Better? No just different, as they all are.

 I notice more TTs on the used market. Great deals to be had, whether your first, 2nd or 3rd.