What Matters and What is Nonsense

I’ve been an audiophile for approximately 50 years. In my college days, I used to hang around the factory of a very well regarded speaker manufacturer where I learned a lot from the owners. When I started with audio it was a technical hobby. You were expected to know something about electronics and acoustics. Listening was important, but understanding why something sounded good or not so good was just as important. No one in 1968 would have known what you were talking about if you said you had tweaked your system and it sounded so much better. But if you talked about constant power output with frequency, or pleasing second-order harmonic distortion versus jarring odd-order harmonics in amplification, you were part of the tribe.

Starting in the 1980s, a lot of pseudo scientific nonsense started appearing. Power cords were important. One meter interconnects made a big difference. Using a green magic marker on the edge of a CD was amazing. Putting isolation dampers under a CD transport lifted the veil on the music. Ugh. This stuff still make my eyes roll, even after all these years.

So I have decided to impart years and years of hard won knowledge to today’s hobbists who might be interested in reality. This is my list of the steps in the audio reproduction chain, and the relative importance of each step. My ranking of relative importance includes a big dose of cost/benefit ratio. At this point in the evolution of audio, I am assuming digital recording and reproduction.

Item / Importance to the sound on a scale of 1-10 / Cost benefit ratio

  • The room the recording was made in / 8 / Nothing you can do about it
  • The microphones and setup used in the recording / 8 / nothing you can do about it.
  • The equalization and mixing of the recording / 10 / Nothing you can do about it
  • The technology used for the recording (analog, digital, sample rate, etc.) / 5 / nothing you can do about it.
  • The format of the consumer recording (vinyl, CD, DSD, etc.) 44.1 - 16 really is good enough / 3 / moderate CB ratio
  • The playback device i.e. cartridge or DAC / 5 / can be a horribe CB ratio - do this almost last
  • The electronics - preamp and amp / 4 / the amount of money wasted on $5,000 preamps and amps is amazing.
  • Low leve interconnects / 2 / save your money, folks
  • Speaker cables / 3 / another place to save your money
  • Speakers / 10 / very very high cost to benefit ratio. Spend your money here.
  • Listening room / 9 / an excellent place to put your money. DSPs have revolutionized audio reproduction
In summary, buy the best speakers you can afford, and invest in something like Dirac Live or learn how to use REW and buy a MiniDSP HD to implement the filters. Almost everything else is a gross waste of money.
One more thing, I use “Generic” when creating the filters in the REW EQ module. 
Good stuff on JRiver all, thanks. I confess I have been a bit leery of room correction "messin' with my bits", but now that I am in a pretty rotten nearly cuboid listening room I may reconsider. A few well placed 4" absorption squares helped some...
"When I was growing up, I heard that half of your budget should go to speakers and the rest would be divided between whatever sources you chose. It was to be some golden rule."

I believe, after as many years as 'OP', that the loudspeakers and front-end are the most important elements of a system. So, when I was able to afford great stuff, I never hesitated to spend on those components. These days, my wallet is thin, and that great equipment is, sadly, gone forever! My current (awaiting delivery of 'Sys' & 'Mani') is a Schiit stack with a 'Modi' multibit and a second-hand Adcom GFA 545 amp. Oh, and a salvaged AR XB with Shure's only current offering - I wish I had an M91ED!
As far as wires go, I have tried huge speaker cables (and tiny solid ones too) and thick, cumbersome interconnects as well. But  now I know better, and seek merely good quality gold-plated (for resistance to oxidation) RCA connectors and speaker cables of adequate guage for the shortest possible convenient length.
In the end, whatever pleases ones needs, both technical and psychological, is a personal choice. OCD notwithstanding. ;-)
I agree as regards to the first couple things on the list, that we have no influence on. I agree that 16/44.1 is format good enough and realization is the more important. But I do not fully agree that speakers are the most important factor and the rest is far less important.

What I have learned in my 20+ years being audiophile and setting up 100+ systems, is that the system sounds as good as its weakest component. What is the system that makes the sound? The system is:
1. The room and its acoustics, which produces about 85% of the sound coming to your ears,
2. Set of components of the electronics.

I have seen systems consisting of fantastic electronics worth 250k US$ that played like crap because of bad room or bad room acoustics. But if your room is almost perfect and it has good acoustics, then everything matters.

Yes - the speakers matter very much as well as anything else in the system, but I have heard speakers for 5k (retail) playing with electronics for 200k (retail) in the room treated properly, producing amazing sound, one of the best I have heard. Does it mean that speakers are less important than the rest – no, it does not. What I wanted to say, is that everything matters, each system is different, and the only way to improve the system is to experiment and try to find the weakest component and improve it – than the whole system will improve.

And this (experimenting) is what audiophiles love the most, I think.

I would simply and blindly differentiate audiophile industry as pre and after 90's. After 90's comes a load of nonsense into the game vs. pre 90's.