Finally took the Bryston 4B Cubed plunge

Back in January, I solicited folks on the forum for input on the Bryston 4B cubed amp. I was kicking around the idea of replacing my Parasound A21 amp. After dealing with poor health for the past few months, I finally did it! My take on the Bryston is: it's a keeper. It is a better sounding amp than my A21, but by only a very small margin. The Bryston gives the feel of being in a concert hall. An extremely full sounding amp with great detail and there's more emphasis on instrument placement than I've experienced before. The bass doesn't suffer at all either, very tight and clear. In comparison only to the two amps I'm discussing, if the Bryston were a "10", the Parasound would be a close "9". If I were to improve on my system (God forbid, I already have $35K into it), the 4B cubed would definitely be driving it. A premium solid state amp. 
To all the the forum members that were willing to guide me with their opinions, I give a heartfelt thanks. My previous posts (inquiries) were met with sincerity and am grateful that none of the discussion went off the rails. A few members contacted me personally, some I couldn't respond to. I didn't try to ignore anyone, there's simply a downside to old age and a weak heart.
The more time I spend listening to the cubed, the more I'm in awe. I keep popping in more CDs and spinning more vinyl just for the experience of "better"; better detail, better soundstage, better bass control, etc. I may even bite the bullet and purchase a Simaudio Moon 610LP phono-stage. 

A even more interesting combination - luxmancl38

how do you like the Cl38U-SE and Bryston 2.5 SST2 matching?

How long have you owned both pieces?

Happy Listening!


when you find yourself wanting to spin album (LP) after album, CD after CD, you have something special going on w/ your stereo. This is how our hobby is set up, the challenge, is getting to this destination.

Happy Listening!

The studio2 speakers are really incredible and can be had at bargain basement prices on the used market now. Smaller and much easier to drive than the Salons which would require every last drop out of a 4b and then some. The Studios are 85 to 90% of the Salons in an easier to live with form factor. 
I would love to try a Bryston cubed amp; the 14B3 or a pair of 28B3's, but I just don't have the spare funds to do so at the moment.

As with the creator of this thread, I had been using a Parasound, but it was the A51, great amp, sounds wonderful.   I then picked up a pair of Anthem Signature M1 mono blocks running at 2000 watts per channel with dedicated 240V mains.  As much as I love my Parasound, I have to say the M1's are much more powerful (using Bryston Model T 4 ohm speakers), more detailed, better soundstage, etc.  Plus the low end/mid range punch is substantially greater.  I did have another Class D amp here to try out, which was running 600 watts per side, however it's design was using the off the shelf ICE power modules vs. Anthems proprietary Class D design; huge difference.... the Anthem on the upper range is so much smoother, the other one was somewhat harsh to me.

Since my M1's were a substantial upgrade over the Parasound A51 like the Professor notice with his cubed Bryston vs. his Parasound, I'd love to compare the M1's against the Bryston amps.   Especially since I am using the Bryston big speakers which I absolutely love.