Harbeth seeks to control resonance by lowering its frequency to levels below the midband where our hearing is less sensitive. The difference is they’re not trying to reduce the amplitude as many manufacturers attempt (yet fail to do). Your argument was that plywood is a superior material to MDF, well won’t you be surprised to learn that Harbeth uses thin MDF panels combined with bitumen sheets.
You assumed that heavier MDF cabinets will have a lower resonance frequency. The reality is that it’s stiffer and will have a higher resonant frequency - toward the midband and often above 400Hz - not the best approach IMO as this is closer to a "ringing" as you might find in metal cabinets.
I happen to prefer the BBC/Harbeth/Spendor/Stirling Broadcast/Graham approach - whether it’s MDF or birch plywood, they all make excellent speakers. However, all alse being equal, for a given mass, MDF is less prone to resonance than solid wood and plywood.