Geoff ...
Be assured that the Mu Metal I used was the real McCoy. And contrary to what you've said, excess use did dull the sound. It was an improvement as far as lowering the noise floor to a certain degree, but not even close to what TC does in this area. I remember distinctly that when applying the Mu Metal, one more additional little piece degraded the sound and we had to back off. I was introduced to Mu Metal by David Magnan who used to experiment with my system with his many mods, filters and cables. It was David Magnan that provided the Mu Metal.
stoplitz ...
Even life itself has no guarantees. Here's a proposal, try the product. If you find it non-effective in your system, be totally honest and come back here and post a negative review.
Nice pic of the cyclist ... is that you? I used to be an avid cyclist as well. What guarantee was given you about the brakes on your bicycle? I never received a guarantee from Campagnolo that my brakes would never fade, would work 100% of the time, that my seat post, chain ring or derailer would never break or malfunction.
Sometimes we just have to take things on faith.
Be assured that the Mu Metal I used was the real McCoy. And contrary to what you've said, excess use did dull the sound. It was an improvement as far as lowering the noise floor to a certain degree, but not even close to what TC does in this area. I remember distinctly that when applying the Mu Metal, one more additional little piece degraded the sound and we had to back off. I was introduced to Mu Metal by David Magnan who used to experiment with my system with his many mods, filters and cables. It was David Magnan that provided the Mu Metal.
stoplitz ...
Even life itself has no guarantees. Here's a proposal, try the product. If you find it non-effective in your system, be totally honest and come back here and post a negative review.
Nice pic of the cyclist ... is that you? I used to be an avid cyclist as well. What guarantee was given you about the brakes on your bicycle? I never received a guarantee from Campagnolo that my brakes would never fade, would work 100% of the time, that my seat post, chain ring or derailer would never break or malfunction.
Sometimes we just have to take things on faith.