Obviously, he was also talking about a wire in a fuse.
>>>>Really? Wouldn’t he have made the point better by saying “a piece of wire less than 1” long” instead of 6” long? Maybe he was including wire in capacitors and resistors, who knows. Who cares? 🙄 I’ve been saying for some time amp designers appear to be the farthest behind current high end trends of all the major food groups. Hyper circuit focused. 👀
Obviously, he was also talking about a wire in a fuse.
>>>>Really? Wouldn’t he have made the point better by saying “a piece of wire less than 1” long” instead of 6” long? Maybe he was including wire in capacitors and resistors, who knows. Who cares? 🙄 I’ve been saying for some time amp designers appear to be the farthest behind current high end trends of all the major food groups. Hyper circuit focused. 👀