Diy interconnects RCA connectors.

I've made some pretty good sounding interconnects using Furutech FP126g RCA connectors. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with KLE harmony RCA connectors,or other higher quality ones under $100. a set.
I just ordered the entry level KLE Copper Harmony rca connectors and will be building a cable using them. I suspect they will sound very different from the Furutech FP126g.
I'm also wondering if anyone has experience using different brands of pure silver,solid core,wire. So far I've tested the Jupiter silver in cotton and silk casings,and the Neotech upocc silver in teflon. I believe the Jupiter is more open,and the slight "tizz" or haze isn't there. The Neotech might have produced slightly more midbass/bass presence,but my Emotiva system and Energy RC-70 speakers might not be quite good enough to make a more accurate comparison.

@dayemo - thanks for the additional details on your developments/findings.

I think it would be very interesting if we were able to get together to discuss our individual approaches and compare notes.

I’d also like to compare our two approaches on a single system - I’m all about trusting my ears - sounds like you are also :-)

The fact that you are not hearing any noise in a cable where the conductors are basically "exposed" to environmental noise. supports my findings that (in my house at least) there is "normally" very little noise in a household environment, i.e. provided you allow enough space between cables and ensure you only allow them to cross at angles that minimize the induction process.

But I do believe that all of that is very dependent on location

I had put a halt to any further development of the Helix Interconnects, because better materials might significantly reduce their cost effectiveness - and I’m all about bang for the buck.

I will certainly give your findings some consideration. I also hear Duelund wire (thanks to Grannyring's post in a different thread) might "up the anti" as well.

Will I scratch that itch? Hmmmm, hard to say, but I do have a spare set of cables to play with. :-)

Cheers - Steve

Sorry for hijacking the post but I've got a question about some power connectors you mentioned in another post, but thought it'd be easier to get you here because the other post is a lot older.  

I also though maybe you're thoughts have settled in a bit since you've had a chance to use them  Do you still prefer the Silver plating in the power connectors from Sonarquest? I've found that there are other sellers on epay that are selling the same thing for a lot cheaper , but silver isn't available.  I don't want copper because of tarnishing and the need to clean them, which leaves gold or rhodium. Have your opinions changed?  Is it worth paying more for silver?  I can get 10 pairs of gold or Rhodium for $100.  BTW, although I do listen to jazz, most of my music taste is for rock.  Given that I'm older and my ears are tired, I like it less pronounced on top. FWIW, my Pre, Amp and DAC are all tube driven.  
I've tested all the different Sonarquest plugs and the silver plated ones,on my system,seem the best. I've done comparisons on my Emotiva powerstrip main cord as well. This cable affects all the other components that are plugged in to it as well. I can say this,I wouldn't believe ac connectors could make a difference if I hadn't done these test on my own. It just doesn't make logical sense to my reasoning mind. But I can hear the subtle differences. And I've done tests which involve other people listening as well. Once I point out what to listen for on a particular song,they could hear the differences.

The silver ac connector is the most extended and "airy". The bass is slightly deeper and faster, with more overall impact. The soundstage is bigger overall,but maybe slightly less defined when compared to the copper. The rhodium soundstage is closer but the sound is not as dynamic or extended. I like the copper better than the rhodium. The gold is rounded and smooth. It seems warmer in the bass and mids. So my conclusion is,for the best overall,the silver wins. But if you're trying to tame a brighter,edgy system, the copper will be better. The copper soundstage is the best in 3d imaging but just slightly smaller than the silver. The gold is close to the copper,but the bass is not as good. The rhodium is neutral,but to me,a little "bleached" and cool sounding. The power cords,and connectors,even affect the sound on my Sony Bravia tv speakers a bit. Why,I don't know.
If you have the money,try buying silver and copper Sonarquest and do a mix. I have three main components,amp,pre-amp,and cd player. The pre-amp and cd player are plugged in to the Emotiva powerstrip. The amp is direct into the wall. Plugging the cd player,or pre-amp,directly into the wall,also changes the sound slightly. It seems to reduce the treble a bit. Like going from the silver to the copper.

Since I've written about my experiences,I changed speakers. I went from the Energy RC-70 to the SVS Ultra Towers. The SVS towers are notably better in most areas. Although,the midrange on the Energy RC-70's were slightly richer,it's the only thing I'm missing. But the power cables differences are more noticeable on the SVS Ultra's.
Thanks for your response.  It sounds like your impressions haven't changed since 2 years ago when you wrote the other review.
Now I need to find the Emotiva power strip