If you attenuate between 9.5dB and 14dB on the Vivaldi with the 0.6V output setting going direct, running 0.2V into the preamp won't need its 12dB gain at all.
Using your preamp you first attenuate the signal from the source and then amplify it back to the level required for your listening anyway, since you're forced to apply the preamp gain to the signal no matter what. (the gain stage in your ARC preamp is fixed not variable like in Ayre's preamps btw)
If you have a TT you need a preamp anyway and it's irrelevant to the discussion what output setting you prefer on the Vivaldi through the preamp for various reasons; the discussion is about differences between DAC direct vs preamp and I think the Vivaldi direct should be used in its optimal configuration to the amps in question, for the result to be as meaningful as possible.
My take is that if you wouldn't prefer the Vivaldi direct on its 0.2V output setting to the preamp route, you don't really like how the DAC sounds and prefer the coloration/enhancement that the preamp gives you.