To Finish modding or not

I have a pair of Adcom GFA 565’s. They have been modded By Musical Designs. Mini Elite it was called years ago. And it really made a difference. A/B comparison to in Modded was incredible. I know if I finish the next level of the current mods they will be better. How much better I am not sure. Have ran then next to a Krell KSA 250 and they held their own. So do you guys feel doing the next step would be worth it? About $1400 is roughly what I am looking at. Some like mods, some don’t. Some like Adcom and some don’t. Lol.....  I’ll be driving a set of Maggie 1.7’s. Also how do you all feel about the Mcintosh MC 7150? 
I would not do the mods, because these will not be your last amps, and you will never get the return when you sell them. What is upstream to the amplifiers that you feel they are the weakness ? Enjoy ! MrD.
Ibe had these for a very long time already.... lol....
Whats you opinions on a MC250 for $500? Been recapped...
Not about return, but enjoyment of music. Let’s face it the return on most our purchases is abismal right now. Big losses right now when selling gear. I mod every single piece of gear I have ever owned and have no problem selling. Wether selling a modified piece or unmodified we all take big hits in this poor market. Nobody is making a good return and we are better off keeping gear that sounds good and can be made to sound even better. Keep and enjoy for more years my audio friend.

If you really want to try another amp, then now is the time to buy used. Great deals to be had.