Speaker advice vintage McI tube amps

Hi all,
I’m looking for help regarding speaker recommendations. I am putting together a system and researching options. I’ve been reading a ton and have analysis paralysis. There’s nowhere to demo anything near where I live. 
As a kid my Dad had a McIntosh 4100 and some pretty large IMF speakers in the 80s. I’m unsophisticated in terms of my listening preferences and knowledge but I liked that sound. Another friend had a tube set up which I don’t recall details of but also liked what I heard. I guess warm and musical might define my goal. 
For better or worse I’ve jumped in and bought a MC30 pair, MC225 and a MC240 based solely on internet reading. I’m planning on buying a MX110 or maybe C20 preamp with vinyl source. I figure on auditioning my amps with whatever speakers I get and will probably keep my favorite and sell the other 2 or maybe keep one to build another set up for our cabin. 
I have two spots in the house in which I can build my listening space: 14x10 with 8 foot ceilings, hardwood floors, windows along one wall; second space 20x15 with 14 foot vaulted ceiling, carpeted. First room would need smallish speakers to keep wife happy, second room is flexible. 
I listen to mostly Grateful Dead, classic rock, some jazz. I keep volume medium. 
I have a pair of Magnepan .7 that I haven’t tried to drive with any of these old tube amps. I’m not sure if I can use these—May sell or pick up modern amp (Rogue Audio Sphinx, Pass Labs xa25 from my research) to use somewhere.  
I bought the Magnepans before getting the tube amps. If I can just use the Magnepans great but I’m guessing not. My priority is to get a great lifetime pair of speakers to bring the best out of one of these vintage McIntosh  amps, avoid the need for upgrade-itis. My budget is 2-6kish. I’ve read about Klipschorns, and various other models of theirs, Tannoys. From pics they’d be way too big for the smaller room. I’m kind of hoping there is a great bookshelf size speaker I can put on a stand that will satisfy my needs. 

Any thoughts, suggestions etc are greatly appreciated and I’ll be watching this thread closely. 

Also if your amps need service or mod, I can recommend 2 great individuals
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the thoughtful reply! I will definitely check out the Vandersteens on your list. 
Im really looking forward to listening to the Dead on a better system. I bought the MC30s and of course the 225s and the 240 showed up right after. I know none of these are rare, but all in mint original condition minus cap replacements etc. I read that the Dead had instrumentals all single amped with 240s bolted to a stout piece of plywood. Somehow seems appropriate to listen to artists of that era on contemporary equipment.
Im short on time at the moment but I’ll circle back to see who you recommend for any future repairs (and maybe tube recs/sources). 
Forget that old Mac tube gear! What you need is an Audio Research SP6 preamp and a D76 amp (now considered vintage - but the bomb back in the late 70's). And a pair of DCM Time Windows to complete your vintage system! This is what I presently use (among all my other gear)!
I think we were the largest DCM ( Drug Capital of the Midwest ) dealer outside of Michigan including display of  the rare DCM subs....

they certainly have virtues......

Mike Samra in Michigan can mod any of the Mac tube gear, he is also a Citation wizard
Terry Dewicke is legendary for stock work and his lead times and prices reflect that...
Randy Vikan in the PAC NW is very very good for stock
i source all my tubes from Andy at Vintage Tube also in Michigan

Thanks for the info. 
Found a hi fi shop in town that just took in a pair of Altec Avalons 837—early 60s low boy cabinets from estate.  Sound pretty good on their equipment.  Shop wants $1k.

I’m going to bring my amps in to demo. They’re Mc dealer but almost all new stuff. Liked the C52 but again apples to oranges. Does anyone ever use SS preamps with tube amps? I’ve seen mostly people doing it the other way around.