Wilson Alexandria X2s in small room

I'm thinking of getting a pair of Wilson Alexandria X-2s. I'm wondering how they will sound in my 13.5 x 22 x 7 foot listening room. I've talked with Wilson and they thought they'ed work. Some dealers I've talked with are not as positive, thinking they will overpower my room. My room has been acoustically treated with Auralex LNRD bass traps in all four corners. I also use diffusors and 6 Room Lens to tune my room which features a pair of Revel Salons and a pair of Revel Sub 30 subwoofers. I figure my current system has about the same radiating area as the Wilsons. A friend has Legacy Focus 20/20s which generate large amounts of bass also, and he's used them successfully in small rooms with tweeks. Will I need to use a unit like the Rives PARC to get the best from these speakers? Or will they fit in with the usual amount of setup care that my Salons took?
Any opinions or educated guesses?
"Everyone offered an opinion. What have you offered?"

I suppose it could be called experience. I own the speaker...you don't

I would also sincerely believe that Wilson Audio would not have made that recommendation if they felt that the speaker wouldn't work in that room

Finally and most importantly when that speaker was built it is front ported. The reason for this is very simple....when I toured the Wilson factory and heard the speaker in Dave Wilson's living room I was told that they are cognizant that a significant part of their market is Asia and Europe wher the rooms are much smaller than those here in America. Because of the front porting the speaker can literally be placed up against the front wall with no loss of soundstage.

So I will repeat my initial comment and that the speaker will work just fine in his room
Oneobgyn, despite the fact that your room is 3 times the volume of the room in question you are still 100% sure?

And I suppose what you have offered is not an opinion but a guarantee, based on your experience?

Also, front porting and soundstage have very little to do with one another. Front ported speakers CAN be placed closer to the wall behind them with less negative impact only to lower frequencies vs. the rear ported speakers, which may become boomy and disintegrated in the bass when placed closer to the front wall.
Soundstage depth with dynamic speakers, in my experience, have always increased when the speakers were placed further away from the wall.

But I guess if Wilson says that the X2s can work wonders under the 7' ceiling and can also be placed right up against the wall without any impact to soundstage height and depth, then I rest my case.
In any case, for my lack of desire to argue with you any further, you win! Congrats!
I do agree with you with respect to front porting and bass energy (not soundstage as I had written).

I had posted my response 3 different times before the mods let it through that I was leaving my house and thought I would try to post my thoughts once again and hastily typed away

Nonetheless the X-2 was made with big consideration given to the much smaller rooms in Asia and Europe so in all honesty I don't believe that Wilson Audio would have given out inaccurate information.