I agree, the CS3.7 is a seriously good speaker. I think Tom Thiel’s forthcoming XO upgrade will push it to the next tier.
The stereo VX-R plus KX-R might be closer to your budget limit. The 5-series sounds nearly as good, IMO, but not as much power. Or MX-R for the power combined with KX-5 pre-amp will come in under budget. Many, however, think the KX-R is Ayre’s best ever product. A KX-R plus Atlas would come in under your budget.
Lots of good choices with that budget! Have fun!
The stereo VX-R plus KX-R might be closer to your budget limit. The 5-series sounds nearly as good, IMO, but not as much power. Or MX-R for the power combined with KX-5 pre-amp will come in under budget. Many, however, think the KX-R is Ayre’s best ever product. A KX-R plus Atlas would come in under your budget.
Lots of good choices with that budget! Have fun!