Audio as a weapon

I would like to deviate a bit from the normal audio equipment conversation and delve into the phenomenon of the recent audio "weapon" that appears to have been deployed in Cuba upon State Department employees and now, it appears, in China. I know that very low frequency can be dreadful to listen to but anyone out there have any ideas with regard to how audio could be used as a weapon? It is not my intention to draw speculation of a political nature, I am only interested in the technical aspect of audio as a "weapon". Anyone have any thoughts?
Absolutely, quantum physics is showing that everything in the universe is energy, so on the sub-atomic level we do not find matter we find only energy. This pure energy or light is everything comprised in universe and is resonating at a different speeds. Everything you see or touch is vibrating at one frequency or another including yourself. As dekay's article points out Intermodulation distortion occurs when two signals having different frequencies combine to produce synthetic signals at the difference, sum, or multiples of the original frequencies. A very smart way of saying somebody has come up with sum of frequencies to damage and make a human sick...
A quick google search of "heavy metal guantanamo" will give you play lists of music used in "enhanced interrogation."
@theo "The folks putting on the display stated that at below 12 hertz, they would play short bursts and because of the low level and concentration of vibration warned us against stomach upset and asked if we felt queasy to leave the room. They also stated that below 12 and the sustained exposure of a steady 12 hertz Or less could cause unreversible stomach or intestinal damage. They indicated that below seven they could actually cause, for the lack of a better expression, liquefication of the intestines resulting in death. I do recall that feeling in my lower stomach that did create a very uncomfortable feeling."

My friend Bill Legall of Millersound has a pair of Ohm Walsh A. Something like 11 pairs were in prototype mode, and various states of completion when Lincoln Walsh passed away in 1971. As someone who inherently knows how drivers function in the real world, Bill seems to truly understand the intent of the Walsh driver, offers a simple visual explanation of how they work, and how most every other driver seems wrong in comparison. Bill "completed" his pair of Walsh As in a way very different from how Ohm has functioned since Walsh’s passing. I can tell you Bill’s pair of Walsh A work in a particularly stunning manner, and that single driver’s range stretches from basically DC all the way up through the top end of the musical spectrum and beyond, and in addition to incomparable imaging, play splendidly on a very few watts.  As much as I feel the Quad ESL57s play music better than most any other loudspeaker, the Walsh A climb to another level.  The low frequency effects you relayed certainly come through. A couple of times, when hitting a bass note, I felt the contents of my intestines taken hold of and rattled, with the instantaneous feeling I was losing control of my innards. It’s shocking to say the least, and one of the scarier things I’ve experienced
I believe Elizabeth is referring to whether or not the technology exists to detect such a weapon, keeping the technology classified, the R&D involved, the government contracting and procurement process that would take forever.

If such technology does exist, there are military and diplomatic protocol issues surrounding the use and deployment of such technology in a foreign country or anywhere else for that matter.

Just because you’re a diplomat does not entitle you to know everything your government is doing.

Actually, let me step back a bit:

Let's say someone in our government, after some research and studies (feasibility of such technology) determines there is justification to explore technology X. 

Before technology x can get off the ground there has to be

1. A request (most likely a branch of the military) 

2. Written justification and  probably a conceptual design or theory

3. Green Light given to explore and develop technology x.  That means you gotta develop, produce and test a working prototype.

Then there is the question of money.  Whose Budget and how much.  Budget approval process.

Procurement and contracting process:  Who does it?  

Getting the picture?

Think about the Manhattan Project and the development of the first atomic bomb.   

Look, if we really wanted to hurt somebody don’t you think we’d send the Kardashians down there?
Stealth applications: ATC built noise cancelling speakers for the British Navy at least 30 years ago. The device could reduce a ship ‘s engine external noise from the funnel significantly by 20db but required 135 dB at 30Hz. They continue on other military projects due to their unique capabilities in regard to transducer technology...