Audio as a weapon

I would like to deviate a bit from the normal audio equipment conversation and delve into the phenomenon of the recent audio "weapon" that appears to have been deployed in Cuba upon State Department employees and now, it appears, in China. I know that very low frequency can be dreadful to listen to but anyone out there have any ideas with regard to how audio could be used as a weapon? It is not my intention to draw speculation of a political nature, I am only interested in the technical aspect of audio as a "weapon". Anyone have any thoughts?
Look, if we really wanted to hurt somebody don’t you think we’d send the Kardashians down there?
Stealth applications: ATC built noise cancelling speakers for the British Navy at least 30 years ago. The device could reduce a ship ‘s engine external noise from the funnel significantly by 20db but required 135 dB at 30Hz. They continue on other military projects due to their unique capabilities in regard to transducer technology...
Absolutely, quantum physics is showing that everything in the universe is energy, so on the sub-atomic level we do not find matter we find only energy. This pure energy or light is everything comprised in universe and is resonating at a different speeds. Everything you see or touch is vibrating at one frequency or another including yourself.

>>>>Whoa! Dude! Not sure I go along with your detective work. Sub atomic particles actually do have mass. Now there is such a thing as mass-energy equivalency but that’s not what you just said. Besides light can only travel at one constant speed. The speed of light, which is the constant in the famous equation relating E to m. The units of energy are entirely different than the units of mass. The black hole in the center of the Milky Way is pure dead mass, 3 Million Solar Masses to be exact. You can convert mass to energy, for example burning a log of wood and coverting it to heat, radiant light and ashes (different form of mass). 

Pop Quiz - Does a photon have mass?
Trelja, it is interesting that you have the same experience. I did find it amazing that sound frequencies can have such an effect on our bodies. But I guess in the grand scheme, sound can take the blame for the hearing loss we all realize with age. But in the end to the credit of sound in musical form, I maintain the going up is worth the coming down.
Elizabeth- Are you saying the US Govt or the US military does not already have these types of weapons??? Or the capability to detect them? I would be curious as to what you know.

It's not Elizabeth that's saying. it's the US Gov't that's not saying.  Because to do so would be an admission. 

And sometimes the diplomatic corp talks too much or brings unwanted attention to themselves that have unintended consequences.